I Love Bill de Blasio

Filed in National by on May 16, 2019

Unlike Chris Coons and Lisa Blunt Rochester, at least de Blasio gets that the Republic is in the grip of a fucking existential crisis.

I also love whoever the Democrats nominate provided the process is fair and transparent.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. jason330 says:

    BTW – Trump continues to be historically unpopular, so whoever the Dems nominate is going to win provided the Demos don’t WillieHorton/Swift Boat/Bengahzi their own nominee.

  2. RE Vanella says:

    You guys don’t get what he’s doing. That’s funny.

  3. jason330 says:

    Ok – I’ll make one concession. Whoever the Dems nominate is going to win provided the Dems don’t WillieHorton-ize their own nominee, or nominate Hillary Clinton.

    • Dave says:

      “Ok – I’ll make one concession. Whoever the Dems nominate is going to win ”

      You can say, but I don’t think you believe it. I’m not happy about it, but Trump can and will probably win. I don’t see enough evidence that he won’t. And really, it may not have much to do with the candidate. There are simply a great many people who jumped on the Trump train with a ride or die attitude. They don’t honestly care what he does or believes as long as he continues to capture their anger and frustration. He demonizes everything and everybody. People are attracted to that. And Democrats being a conglomeration of tribes, too often revert to tribalism, regardless of whether it’s the progressive tribe, the liberal tribe, or moderate tribe.

      I think the Democrats need a model. I suggest they examine the Iroquois Confederacy for some ideas.

      • Alby says:

        For all the sagacity of their governance, the Iroquois were also a bloodthirsty lot of warmongers. Assholes, generally speaking.

        Besides, our federal system already was based on the Iroquois League, at the suggestion of Benjamin Franklin, and look where that’s gotten us. The big problem with the League was that any tribe had veto power, which is essentially where we stand now — most of us are held hostage by the veto of Southerners and their fellow travelers of modern society.

        • Dave says:

          Fair enough. But being bloodthirsty was a tribal feature, not the Confederacy.

          Also, from a governmental perspective, they employ the words, “unanimous” and “consensus.” Issues are discussed if there is unanimous agreement that they are important and they are decided by coming to consensus. Any one chief can decide they don’t want to discuss an issue and any one tribe can disagree with the proposed resolution. So yeah in that sense it is effectively a veto, but the Onondagas do make the final decision when there is a disagreement between the other tribes. So there is a place where the buck stops. I don’t if they historically operated that way, but it’s way they do it now.

  4. RE Vanella says:

    Biden’s history is worse than Hillary’s. So tread softly.

    Op-Ed section Sunday. I’ll make a reasonable, civil and logical case. No insults or Ad Homs or anything. Totally fair.

  5. Alby says:

    At this point I expect my butcher to declare he’s running for president just for the publicity.

    You have to qualify to run in the Boston Marathon, I think you should have to qualify to run for president. For one thing, it would have prevented the present turd who inhabits the office from floating to the top of the Republican toilet bowl.

  6. Jason330 says:

    Let me count the people who think Trump has a chance and see if my interests align with theirs?

    1- Trump
    2- Democratic Consultants with very long track records of failure
    3- Beltway Horse race pundits
    4- MAGA dumbfucks
    5- People who like Joe Biden as a candidate
    6 – Fox “news” talking heads
    7- Dave

    Hmm… I disagree with the dimwit’s consensus.

    • Dave says:

      LOL. I am sure the list is much longer.

      Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it or they weren’t alive in 2016. How old are you again?

      And didn’t you put up a post where you claimed to love Joe Biden?

      • RE Vanella says:

        You still don’t understand the “I love…” posts? That’s funny.

        When you talk about repeating history does that mean nominating a neoliberal conservative corporate Democrat ex Senator who was highly placed in the Obama administration?

        If so, I agree! No repeats please.