Delaware Liberal

AG Jennings Takes On–Environmental Racism?

8-Ball sez: “Signs Point To Yes”:

The Department Of Natural Resources & Environmental Control has long since signaled that ‘environmental control’ means controlling the application of Delaware’s environmental laws to primarily benefit the corporate polluters. Even the most blatant and toxic of violations yield only a slap on the wrist. Allegedly b/c of ‘jobs’, though what’s left unsaid is ‘making Delaware safe for business, no matter what the cost to its citizens’.

I will say it: So far, Kathy Jennings has functioned as the AG that I hoped Chris Johnson would be. She is our only statewide elected official representing at least some progressive ideals. BTW, you may also have missed that she publicly opposed the reintroduction of the death penalty in Delaware last week.

I’m on the bandwagon. 




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