Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Fri., May 24, 2019

More On What Park City Kathy Won’t Audit.  The apparent improprieties have everything to do with the incestuous relationship between the school and the American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association. From the State Public Integrity Commission:

In an April 2 letter to the school, the commission states that not only does the Hellenic association’s majority presence on the board create the potential for conflicts of interest, but that “the conflicts are real and they are alarming.” 

“Equally troublesome is the fact that the board has been unwilling to acknowledge the conflicts and those individuals that are seen as ‘not playing along’ are targeted as unwilling to be a team player or not working in the best interest” of the school,” wrote Bonnie Smith, chair of the commission. “The AHEPA board members appear to be blind to the fact that AHEPA is a private interest that conflicts with their Board duties.”

BTW, it may be small sample size, but is the News Journal upping its investigative reporting game? Is there hope yet?

Trump Goes After The Press And/Or Political Enemies In Unprecedented Actions. This is no longer democracy. Not even plutocracy.

Georgia Governor Having Second Thoughts On ‘C-List Celebrities’?  Just remember, this guy stole the election through voter intimidation.

May Exits Over Brexit. An interesting take as to why she was ill-suited to the task.

How Chemical Industry Kills Bills Banning Flame Retardants. John Kowalko is right: D’s fall for industry propaganda (and industry donations?) every time. Here’s what happened in Mass. A must-read. An excerpt:

With a massive influence operation and a $123m budget, the ACC has 109 lobbyists registered at 40 statehouses across the country, including some who registered in multiple states, and 56 more lobbyists registered in Washington DC, ready to dispatch when lawmakers proposed regulations on their industry.

Although the ACC is not a household name, it is currently better financed than well-known groups such as the National Rifle Association (NRA). The ACC has a budget more than 20% bigger than the gun rights group.

But unlike the NRA, it do not appear to work with a base of public support. Instead, they are financed by some of the world’s most powerful companies, who often supply valuable jobs in politicians’ jurisdictions.

BTW, who lobbies in Delaware on behalf of the American Chemical Council? Why, none other than former Democratic National Committeeman Rhett Ruggerio and his firm. I wonder if he’s OK with strapping his two daughters into those cancer-causing car seats.

What do you want to talk about?


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