Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Sat., May 25, 2019

Supreme Court: Gerrymanders Just Fine For 2020. What? You expected something different?  Virtually all of our democratic institutions have been undermined.

Here’s One Result Of Those Gerrymanderings.  Remember, kids, the Rethuglican Party is a full-fledged criminal conspiracy.

Trump To Deliver Trophy To…Sumo Wrestlers?  Can’t wait for the political cartoons on this one.

Here’s Where Trump’s Farm Aid Really Goes.  What’s a mere $62 mill when everything you do is corrupt?

How Trump Is Selling Weapons To The Saudis.  Just another news dump on a Memorial Day Friday.

How Trump Wants To Corrupt The Awarding Of Border Wall Contracts.  I didn’t set out to make this an All-Trump/Rethug Corruption Thread. Just worked out that way.

What do do want to talk about?


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