Oh Lord – The Joe Biden campaign is living in a Clintonesque disreality bubble

Filed in National by on May 29, 2019

In 2016 two candidates had impressive attendance numbers at speeches. One of them was Trump, the other wasn’t the eventual Dem nominee.

There is no denying that pitiful crowd size is a bad sign, so as Duncan Black noted, you don’t even have to dislike Biden to cringe at this bullshit.

To Biden’s campaign, attendance figures are a meaningless metric. Focusing on crowd size is Trump’s game, they say, an emphasis on style over substance that attempts to turn audience engagement into an argument about the 76-year-old Biden’s energy level.

Crowd size, after all, is an imperfect metric to measure a campaign’s vitality. While it can be a revealing indicator, it still lacks the scientific underpinning of polling or the fixed-dollar figures associated with fundraising. Nor does it account for the judgment of elected and influential Democrats across the country.

Sounds like Hillary Part 2.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (45)

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  1. RE Vanella says:

    At a poorly attended event yesterday Uncle Joe called a girl 12 years of age “good looking”, brought her to the rope like & took questions standing behind her squeezing her shoulders.


  2. Ben says:

    Yeah im sure he was trying to Fuck that little girl. Just how far does your fantasy go?

    • RSE says:

      Cueing record scratch sound effect…

    • RE Vanella says:

      Hahahaha. Yeah, that’s why it’s creepy and inappropriate, because he wanted to fuck her.

      Hahahahaha. Have you studied up on your UK politics so you don’t continue to make embarrassing comments?

      • ben says:

        so you imagined it out pretty far then, huh? gross.

        Hows your revolution going?

        • RE Vanella says:

          Pretty good. It’s difficult but rewarding work.

          And there’s no “finish line.”. Common misconception. You’re dumb and it’s a tricky concept.

          • ben says:

            So is having Ginsberg replaced by Tomi Lahren part of the plan? I see now.. pretend to care about women so you can cause the creation of a real-world Gilead and then the REAL revolution can start. Tricky tricky!

            I WAS gonna vote for Sanders or Warren in the primary, but now i see it’s better to write in Trump. THATLL show the DNC.

        • Alby says:

          @Ben: If we’re keeping score, yours is the mind that went there.

          Putting your hands on people is a dominance thing — and no, not the sexual kind of dominance. Biden does this to damn near everyone, and I think it’s subconscious. It’s meant to establish trust, but such unearned familiarity is a violation of personal space and has the effect of putting others on the defensive.

          Think of how you’d react if, say, you’re car shopping with a salesman who puts his hand on your shoulder when he’s talking to you.

          • RE Vanella says:

            Not that I keep score, but the record shows Al is correct.

          • ben says:

            this is quite a turn from your belly aching over Franken being forced out. I guess there’s some progressive litmus test for when it’s damnable and when it’s excusable.

            Im not voting for Biden in the primary and I dont want him to be the nominee… so, ya know, so much for that. You all are just out here pretending you suddenly care, because trashing the nominee is the hot new thing. 4 MORE YEARS!

            • Alby says:

              I’m not saying he should be forced out. And I would hope that my explanation of what Biden is doing shows that it’s different from what Franken did, which was more serious.

              Taking note of something is not the same thing as damning it. It’s creepy and some, myself included, think it will make it easier for people to think ill of the candidate — which, you’ll recall, is why Hillary couldn’t win. People would much rather vote for someone they like.

              Franken was sacrificed so Democrats could hold an Alabama Senate seat for two years. Not a good trade IMO. But if that sets the standard, then I’ll hold things up against that standard.

          • Paul says:

            I think Joe does it to establish dominance, based on first-hand experience. Dominance first, trust later, maybe. I guess I don’t trust Joe.

  3. RE Vanella says:

    Humiliating this fucking dumb Ben aside, does everyone else understand why it’s a bad look?

  4. RE Vanella says:

    I’m not even saying it’s that bad. Moore was looking for dates. Trump’s shit was sexual violence.

    But you can’t treat every prepubescent kid like your own son or daughter You can’t touch and stoke adult females in professional settings. Or whisper in their ears or smell them up close.

    He’s been told this over and over and over again. Of course it has nothing to do with sex & I’ve said I don’t think it’s sexual.

    If any of us did this in the office once we’d likely be sacked.

    • ben says:

      “yeah, trying to bang teenagers as a 30something is lame, and bragging about sexual violence is totes not cool…. but Biden … oh man, that’s unforgivable. 4 MORE YEARS! ” there, collaborator. fixed it for ya.

      • RE Vanella says:

        Hahaha! This guy’s dense as lead!

        Never said a word about sexual shit. Actually already put it down very plainly for dumb cunts like you!

        Also, if you want to follow another centrist to defeat Trump that’s cool. How did it work out the first time?

        Hahaha. What a dipshit.

        • ben says:

          You’re right. I should vote for Gabbard, then write in Kira Nerys in the general election. THAT’LL SHOW EM.

          Honestly, what is your plan when Biden is the nominee? Same as Schumer, I imagine. Hope for trump’s victory then start more fundraising.

  5. jason330 says:

    REV’s hijacking and ad hom attacks on Joe aside…

    Not drawing crowds means that Joe’s gawdy poll #’s are a mirage. That’s a bad thing if you want the eventual Democratic nominee to be someone who can beat trump.

  6. MikeM2784 says:

    I mean, the comparison with Clinton’s crowd sizes is probably not a real logical point to attempt to make, seeing as she received more votes than any candidate in history aside from Obama. They were just in the wrong states, which is a problem obviously, but it is still not a worthwhile argument to have at this point I don’t think.

    • Alby says:

      Countering corporacrat thinking is never out of style. The point is that everyone says they like the centrist shit the DNC types peddle, but nobody buys it themselves.

      Elections are not rational. If people aren’t excited, they won’t bother to vote. If you take comfort in the fact that Hillary won the popular vote by a less-than-impressive 3 million votes — against the worst candidate ever offered for the post in the modern era — you don’t understand the problem.

      Someone offering meat instead of soylent green would have won in a landslide.

  7. RE Vanella says:

    I was given a personal directive by Jason. I’m complying to the best of my abilities.

    Just enjoy it. It’s fun!

    (Folks, I’m being censored!). Hahaha

    • jason330 says:

      You are a terrible person to be on the same side with.

      • REVanella says:


        I’ve been in a lot of fights in my life. I’m neither proud nor ashamed of this. But I do know being nice and not hurting people’s feelings will get us all killed.

        Not liking people like me as a comrade is a great privilege.

        • Alby says:

          No matter how much you love your dog, you don’t want him biting people who come into the house. Sometimes you have to put him in the bedroom and shut the door.

          • REVanella says:

            Haha. Depends on the person. 🤓

            Also, if I honest, I’m not that fond of the pup.

  8. MFX says:

    If what we’re saying is that Joe’s inability to generate excitement is a concern, then I agree. But at the same time, I can’t imagine anyone getting me excited enough this far out and with this large a field that I’d attend a pep rally. Even the two or three candidates that DO have me on the verge of excited couldn’t get me out of the house.

    • Tom Kline says:

      Joe has an inability to have a daily bowel movement. Get real he should enjoy his newly found wealth and enjoy his 2 million dollar shore house.