Delaware Liberal

Just fucking drop out already

For the DNC’s third party-sanctioned debate in September a candidate must clear both of these hurdles:

1) 2% support in four national or early voting state polls
2) 130,000 unique donors to their campaign, including 400 unique donors from at least 20 states

Some campaigns don’t like it, to them I say “lump it.” If you can’t get to 2% and some basic support in 20 states please feel free to fuck the fuck off.

Most declined to discuss their frustration with the D.N.C.’s rules on the record or to indicate how exactly they would shift tactics, saying their campaign plans were confidential. But campaign after campaign said the party’s donor requirements are skewing the way they allocate resources, forcing them to choose between investing in staff or pouring more money into ads on sites like Facebook, where prices are soaring to dizzying new heights. Two campaigns said digital vendors are currently quoting them prices of $40 and up to acquire a new $1 donor.

…and if your best idea for building support is placing $40.00 FB adds, please quit AND go into hiding.

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