DL Open Thread: Sun., June 2, 2019

Filed in Featured by on June 2, 2019

Trump’s Pressure Tactics Are Failing.  He’s a one-trick paunchy pony, and the rest of the world has figured him out. Only the D’s still fear his bluster.

BTW, India’s Next.  Because he can.

‘Radiative’ Wood Could Cut Energy Costs In Half.  Hey, we’re looking to expand our scientist demographic.  If you ARE a scientist, and wish to translate for the rest of us, have at it. This could be big, though…

Texas And Israel: Perfect Together. At least the right-wing elements of both.

200 Allegations Of Abuse Of Migrant Children: 1 Case Of DHS Discipline. Who do these guys think they are? Delaware cops, Delaware corrections officers, heads of Delaware labor law enforcement…?

What do you want to talk about?


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  1. jason330 says:

    “Only the D’s still fear his bluster. ”

    He still has one other group cowed. R’s fear Trumpist primaries. That fear is what is keeping this whole rickety mess proped up.

  2. Alby says:

    Speaking in Ohio, Joe Biden, who I 100% guarantee laughed at queer jokes in high school, says LGBTQ rights will be his highest legislative priority.


    So he’s going to pander as part of his campaign of phoniness. At this point, the only thing I want to see Joe Biden do is hold a fist fight with Donald Trump, with the loser having to STFU for the rest of their lives.

  3. Alby says:

    Slate’s Henry Grabar puts some meat on the bones of RE Vanella’s disdain for Boomers.
