Delaware Liberal

The Earth is dying. Will it die with some dignity? I doubt it.

Humanity is acting like a parasite determined to kill its host. We’ve known that for 20 years and have blissfully ignored it.

So, in the ignoring of it we have two (some will say three*) choices.

1) Draw lines, and build walls around our dwindling resources and declare war on anyone who looks at our clean water longingly.

2) Figure out that we need to cooperate like we’ve never cooperated before, and thereby salvage a little bit of dignity before the end.

The first is the choice of Republicans and other Morlock racist nationalists movements. They are openly spoiling for an end times throw-down that leaves 2/3rds of the world’s population dead with a bedraggled remnant enslaved as they enjoy the fruits of being on top where they belong.

The second choice is the choice of Eloi egg-heads and liberals who somehow manage to still view humanity as The beauty of the world, (so noble in reason, infinite in faculty. In action how like an Angel, In apprehension how like a god).

*The third choice is a mirage. It is a worldview that says the Morlocks can be reasoned with. This is the worldview of time travelers from the year 1969 who don’t understand the events of the past 50 years. Joe Biden, for example.

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