DL Open Thread: Weds., June 5, 2019

Filed in Featured by on June 5, 2019

Oops, He Did It Again: Parts Of Biden’s Green Plan Borrowed Word-For-Word–Without Attribution.  Hey, when ya gotta come up with a plan in a hurry about something you’ve never thought about, proper citations are often the first thing to go. So much for learning from your mistakes.

Rethugs Demand Disaster Relief–Vote Against Disaster Relief Bill.  My guess as to why?: Puerto Rico.

How Oakland Has Significantly Reduced Gun Violence.  It’s not as long as the Mueller Report.  Lotsa great ideas that have worked.

Payday Lenders Partied At Trump Resort While Administration Gutted Obama Reforms.  There’s nothing that’s not for sale, certainly not the ability to rip off the poor.

The Donald-Marla Pre-Nup: Yep, he ripped her off. Totally.

What do you want to talk about?


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  1. Alby says:

    Re: the pre-nup. If Marla Maples were any dumber people would have to water and fertilize her regularly.

    She would have done much better to stay single and simply sue the bastard for child support.

  2. DD over at Blue Delaware cites a CNN poll showing Biden’s support dropping from 39% to 32% among D primary voters. I think that’s pretty significant in that it demonstrates just how mile-wide and inch-deep his support is:
