Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Fri., June 7, 2019

Why Barclays Moved 500 Jobs & What It Means To Delaware: There was, of course, a $4 million bribe from New Jersey, and ‘ 65 acres of developable land on a campus that gives Barclays room to grow’. The article does not say whether that land was also a ‘gift’ from New Jersey. You’ll be shocked to know that Delaware officials were unavailable for comment.

Biden Becomes A Caricature Of Himself.  Announces flat-out reversal on his position on the Hyde Amendment. Does anybody believe him? Cites the R’s, but we know why–he was getting blistered by D voters and candidates. He is becoming the Pander Bear for 2020. There is no position he won’t hastily change for political advantage. I think the voters are on to him.

Catholic Church Lobbying Against Victims’ Rights In NE US.  I’m sorry, but this entire religion has been run by corrupt ‘men of the cloth’ for centuries.

Founder Of Pro Publica Passes Away.  When it comes to investigative journalism in America, Pro Publica is an independent and essential force. If you read our Open Thread, you are familiar with some of its brilliant work. I strongly encourage you to contribute to keep this essential reporting viable. You can do it right here. Tell ’em that Delaware Liberal sent you.

DNC Threatens Candidates Who Would Participate In Climate Change Debate.  Seriously, what is wrong with the DNC? Yes, I know, rhetorical question. BTW, Mother Jones is doing some great investigative work on corruption. They, as well, deserve financial support. You can do it right here

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