DL Open Thread: Sat., June 8, 2019

Filed in Featured by on June 8, 2019

Plastic Bag Ban To Become Law.  This isn’t just ‘feel-good’ legislation, it’s ‘do-good’ legislation.

Michigan Strikes A Blow Against Voter Suppression.  Elections matter, and having a D Secretary Of State will help flip this pivotal state.

Trump Backs Down On Mexican Tariff Threat.  When even the Senate Rethuglicans abandon your cause, you have no choice but to cave.

‘Domestic Terrorism’ Doesn’t Include Violence Perpetrated By White Supremacists. Because…Trump.

Why The Chinese Leadership Decided To Shoot Its Own Citizens. A look back at Tiananmen Square and what precipitated it.

What do you want to talk about?




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  1. Tom Kline says:

    Meanwhile average Joe is hitting golf balls at Wilmington.

  2. RSE says:

    I guess you live and learn. It doesn’t seem that long ago that we all switched to plastic bags because of deforestation worries.

    On a side note, during a single day of work, I calculated that I use over forty feet of plastic trimmer line that just instantly disintegrates into micro plastics. Now multiply that by all the other landscapers doing the same thing, and you can begin to get a picture.
    I believe there is one brand of biodegradable trimmer line that is only sold on the internet, and all the reviews say it isn’t even useable.

    Whoever develops working biodegradable trimmer line will be very successful. Wax covered cotton or hemp twine, or maybe a corn meal based material? Maybe something naturally growing like stripped honeysuckle vine or something, who knows?

    Step one: Develop line

    Step two: Lobby state governments to outlaw plastic trimmer line.

    Step three: Retire wealthy.

  3. El Somnambulo says:

    Some stores already use biodegradable bags for produce and meat. Corn-based, totally disintegrate in 180 days, you can even put them in with your composting.

    The technology is there, and it’s being improved upon.

  4. This reminds me. Gerald Hocker who OWNS TWO GROCERY STORES, took active part in the debate and voted against the legislation. From Matt Bittle’s story:

    “One of the store owners who will be affected by the bill is Senate Minority Leader Gerald Hocker, an Ocean View Republican who runs two supermarkets in Sussex County.

    He objected to the legislation Thursday, saying businesses are not ready to have the ban forced on them and questioning how much of an impact the bill would actually have.

    “There’s a whole lot more trash than just plastic bags,” he said.

    If that doesn’t qualify as a conflict-of-interest, what does? The no vote doesn’t matter, as it’s getting enough yeses that counts. But noway nohow should he have taken part in that debate.

  5. Lydia York says:

    “If that doesn’t qualify as a conflict-of-interest, what does?”

    This law will apply to ALL retailers and those who use plastic bags. If this bill applied only to his grocery stores you would have a point.

    29 Del C. 1002(b) states the law on this point.

    • Alby says:

      Don’t be a dolt in public — oops, too late. A conflict of interest applies whether others have to follow the law or not. Look up the definition.

  6. Lydia York says:

    “But noway nohow should he have taken part in that debate.”

    Silly me. I thought your objection was to his participation in the debate. If you were talking about conflicts of interest in general, I wouldn’t have said a mumbling word. Probably would have agreed with you.

    Hockler’s participation is permitted. Ramone’s participation may not have been when he voted on the exchange bills. Both were conflicts. One of them is legaly permitted.

    • Alby says:

      OK, my bad. I didn’t realize you were using a legal definition of it as applied to the GE, but then I didn’t realize El Som was using it that way either (and I don’t think he was, but I’ll let him answer).

      In the common meaning of “conflict of interest,” he has one.

      And you, Ms. York, know as well as anyone that the truly disgraceful part of what El Som is saying is that some conflicts of interest are legal. Who does that benefit? Sure as shit not the public.

      I’m not interested in working this crooked system. I’m interested in tearing it down, and if we have to have that civil war the gun nuts crave to do it, let’s go. I’m tired of waiting.