DL Open Thread: Sun., June 9, 2019

Filed in Featured by on June 9, 2019

Dover Downs Closes Poker Room. A sign of  what’s to come. No more poker tourneys, meaning no more people coming for poker tourneys, meaning fewer overnight stays, dripdripdrip. Not to mention, of course, that NASCAR is long removed from its glory days. Can we finally let this industry sink or swim on its own? I mean, now that we gave the former casino owner his golden parachute?

So…Trump Set Up This Tariff Crisis With Mexico So That He Could Play The Hero?  Turns out terms were agreed to months ago. So why the fuck did he do it?  Was he manipulating his stock portfolio armed with inside info? Were his family members, members of his administration? Would anybody put it past them?

Trump Administration Suppresses Its Own Findings On Climate ‘Catastrophe‘. Of course, with this administration, that’s a ‘dog bites man’ story.

The Greatness Of 1984:  And why it’s back on the bestseller lists.

How Plastic Bags Became Ubiquitous: The term ‘mindless’ comes to mind.

What do you want to talk about?


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  1. Wilmlib says:

    The assault on what’s left of Gordon’s cronies continues…came across this today


  2. mediawatch says:

    And Caneco enlisted the support of the other below the canal councilman to help save an old farmhouse in his neighborhood. It appears that the only history Bill Bell thinks is worthy of preserving is his own.

  3. jason330 says:

    Trey Paradee really got played for a fool on the Dover Downs deal.

    Time to double down, Trey.