I love* all Dem candidates, but I like Warren.

Filed in National by on June 9, 2019

I’m really warming up to Warren as my first choice.  Talk me down.  

* When I say “love” in the headline I mean in the American Christian sense of love, as in “love” thy neighbor.  Which is to say, regard your neighbor with a mix of suspicion and disgust.  

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (26)

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  1. I feel the same way. She’s my first choice–until at least next week. I was hoping she’d run last time, but the women ceded the field to Hillary. Bernie became my choice by default.

    Really looking forward to the debates.

  2. Paul says:

    I like Warren. Getting stronger every week. Better and better at retail politics, and matches Bernie on the issues.

  3. MFX says:

    Ok, no one is talking you down so I’ll take a shot – Warren is one of those do-gooder liberal, academic, policy wonks who likes to “know what she’s talking about”. Actually, never mind. Now that I type it out it doesn’t sound so bad. I like her too.

    (I do hope she doesn’t keep awkwardly trying to drink beer with her husband on camera though)

  4. Delaware Dem says:

    Warren is probably who I will vote for in the Delaware primary. Kamala Harris is my second choice, then Pete Buttigieg, than Joe Biden

  5. donviti says:

    The second she wears a pant suit and it looks like the designer also worked for Kim Jung Un she’s done for

  6. Delaware Left says:

    Warren is being pushed as a wedge on the sanders coalition, and if you can’t see something that obvious, you probably shouldn’t be doing political commentary.

    Her non-stance on Medicaid for All is entirely disqualifying.

    • Alby says:

      Being pushed? By whom? That’s the dumbest-ass comment of the day so far.

      What, pray tell, is the Sanders “coalition”? Like El Som, I backed Sanders last time, but there are better choices now, and Warren is one of them.

      You, sir, are backing an old, tired horse, and doing it in an ugly, conspiracy-spewing way.

      • Delaware Left says:

        Are you really that ignorant as to how most political reporting gets sourced and why stories get written as they do?

        Did you completely miss the first 5 months of the year where the “progressive” du jour would get paraded around for two weeks to see if anyone would stick?

        • Alby says:

          You, friend, are the one who’s ignorant about political reporting. You’re also ignorant about Bernie Sanders’ chances of getting anywhere this cycle. You still haven’t answered the question at the root of your absurd conspiracy theory — who’s “pushing” her?

          Warren’s rise in the polls has corresponded with her ground game.

          Who are these “progressives du jour” who were “paraded around”? Most of the newbie candidates are centrist, not progressive.

          Good to see, however, that you Bernie Bros have your excuses ready for when he fails to gain the nomination.

      • RE Vanella says:

        I like Warren. But the idea that there are “better” leftist candidates and he is an “old, tired horse” is very funny.

        • Alby says:

          Sorry, sonny, but it’s the truth. He’s gone nowhere in the polls you don’t believe in — in fact, he’s slipping, and with good reason.

          Old. Tired. But you’re right, he’s more jackass than horse.

  7. jason330 says:

    Bernie caught fire last time because their was a GREAT thirst for his anti-Clintonite, non-corporatist Dem message. It isn’t surprising that like-minded people have entered the fray now that Bernie has kicked down the door.

    The party owes him a debt, but nobody owes him their vote.

    • Delaware Left says:

      no one owes anyone their vote ever, but if you think a primary vote for Warren doesn’t get us a Biden nomination, then you’re fooling yourself

      • jason330 says:

        Oh Jesus. “Don’t vote for _X_, or _Y_ will win” is the new Godwin’s law.

        You just lost the argument, my son.

        • RE Vanella says:

          Yeah, I think it’s best to stay out of the prediction game. Bad look.

          Just vote for Bernie!

      • Alby says:

        You not only don’t know that, and the opposite might actually be true — Sanders might be the reason Biden gets the nomination. Prediction-makers belong at Delaware Park.

      • ben says:

        Im a flat out moron and that’s the dumbest thing Ive ever heard.

        How about this. A vote for Sanders is a vote for Biden to get the nomination because you arent supporting Warren. chew on that, ya dim bag of clams.

        • Delaware Left says:

          yes, because polling currently suggests Warren as sitting in 2nd place.




          • Alby says:

            And rising as opposed to Sanders falling. Oh indeed.

          • ben says:

            and you really think the people supporting Harris or Beto are going to go for Sanders when their candidates drop out?

            At least your ultimate vote for Jill Stein will happen in delaware where it wont matter.

  8. Alby says:

    Just to keep the record straight, the only question in the Delaware presidential primary will be who finishes a distant second behind Biden.