DL Open Thread: Mon., June 10, 2019

Filed in Featured by on June 10, 2019

Dark Chocolate: Courtesy Of Child Labor.  Not just child labor, slave labor. WaPo finds the truth that the huge multinationals just ignore.

$90 Mill Flows To Kushner Firm Since He Got His White House Job. Of course, nobody knows where and from whom the money is coming from. BTW, there’s little difference between the Caymans and Delaware.

Another Vacancy On Wilmington City Council.  Another opportunity for Delaware’s worst deliberative body to embarrass themselves. 

Southern Baptists On The Decline. Perhaps they should consider the concept of ‘welcoming churches’. When only conservatives are welcome, the demographics are not your friend.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Southern Baptists on the decline, eh? Well, some good news at last.

  2. jason330 says:

    “The SBC is contracting in both membership and church attendance. It has shed a stunning 1 million members since 2003, and is on pace to lose nearly 100,000 people each year for the foreseeable future.”

    Wow. American Evangelical Christianity as a whole is in sorry shape. Still over represented in policy matters tho – because they ALL vote in EVERY election.

  3. Rufus Y. Kneedog says:

    Congress threatens to regulate the chocolate industry in 2001, the industry says, “No need. We can regulate ourselves.” Can anyone think of a single instance where that has actually worked?
    A cautionary tale as Dodd Frank gets dismantled. Warren is looking good to me also.

    • jason330 says:

      Congress threatens to regulate the chocolate industry in 2001, the industry says, “No need. We can regulate ourselves.” Can anyone think of a single instance where that has actually worked?

      Industry Lobbyist: What? It works 100% of the time, for our shareholders.

  4. bamboozer says:

    Like Warren, love Buttigieg as well, like many here hope Joe and Bernie fade away. P.S. Used “Delaware’s Worst Deliberative Body” to refer to Wilmington City Council on Facebook and got a dozen likes. All Hail El Som!

  5. RE Vanella says:

    As mentioned on the podcast.

    Lula Livre!


    Huge blow against fascism. Let’s see how it goes.

  6. RE Vanella. says:


    Regard supporting a family on the minimum wage:

    “I don’t buy it,” said James DeChene, a lobbyist in the Delaware State Chamber of Commerce. “They may exist, but they are certainly not the bulk of minimum wage-earners in Delaware.”

    This fucking Jimmy DeCheese is going get the treatment my friends. The old “they don’t need the money anyway” gambit™. I’m going drag this piece of sub human trash through the fucking dirt. Watch.

    • Alby says:

      “I don’t buy it.” God forbid you cite something other than your sub-human “thoughts” on the subject.

    • Alby says:

      Maybe people don’t raise families on minimum-wage jobs because they can’t afford to have families if all they have is minimum-wage jobs.

  7. Kcaneco says:

    If the state won’t act to pay 13,000 people a fair wage maybe it’s time NCC preempts them.

  8. RE Vanella says:

    For the record, the idea that what someone should be paid for their labor depends on what they use or need it for is monstrous and vile.