Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Tues., June 11, 2019

Elaine Chao Created ‘Special Path’ For McConnell Projects.  As Lawrence O’Donnell pointed out last night, other Rethug senators will not be thrilled about this latest corruption from Mitch ‘n Elaine. Especially as their projects languish.

Catholic Church Corruption Extends To West Virginia.  Why interfere when the Church is doing its level best to destroy itself?

Fla. Rethugs Kill ‘Citizen-Led Ballot Initiatives‘. When democracy doesn’t work to your advantage, bury whatever democracy is left in your state.

Alaska: Frontier Mentality When It Comes To Sexual Abuse. Everybody agrees there’s a problem, even William Barr. But will there be a solution?

How Russians Can Contribute Legally To US Elections.  The use of ‘shell companies’, like the ones incorporated in Delaware by the tens of thousands, is but one loophole they exploit.

What do you want to talk about?


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