Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Wed., June 12, 2019

‘The Day The Music Burned’: This depresses me so much. Great music that will never be heard.   Including from artists who we will never know existed.

Treating Drug Use As A Public Health Crisis: Seattle is experimenting with this approach. Will it work?

Behind The Lines In Syria: Brilliant and brave reporting from Mother Jones. The least you can do is read it. You will learn a lot.

Croda Gas Leak Could Have Been Prevented.  When even Trump’s OSHA fines you, you’ve screwed the pooch. My question? What about the people who live near the facility? Will they be protected moving forward?

Someone Always Has A Bigger One.  A McMansion, that is.  When a bigger one pops up next door, you often feel ‘inadequate’.

What do you want to talk about?

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