Joe Van Winkle
If I did a Joe Van Winkle post everytime JVW says something that was homey and cute 30 years ago, but sounds gross and icky today, I’d do nothing but Joe Van Winkle posts.
If I did a Joe Van Winkle post everytime JVW says something that was homey and cute 30 years ago, but sounds gross and icky today, I’d do nothing but Joe Van Winkle posts.
Yeah, but it might be the best concept you’ve ever come up with. Do I have to hold up a cigarette lighter?
Yeah fuck him.
And like the time He made a joke about sending a predator drone at the Jonas brothers because his daughters liked them………… wait. that was someone else……
I wasn’t around for that joke. But we can agree there are plenty of good reasons to take out the Jonas Brothers with a drone strike. No?
My favorite W story: He went 17 years thinking “strategery,” a word made up by an SNL writer for a Will Ferrell impersonation sketch, was something he had actually said. His tweet quoted at this link:
Interesting how Trump has turned W into an amiable doofus by comparison. More evidence that things are relative.
Here’s a savage trashing of Uncle Joe’s delusions:
Biden insists Republicans will so work with him because zero of them did that one time.
It’s like we asked for dance music so he’s playing Tommy Dorsey.
JVW believes the shit Mitch McConnell says in the bathroom stall next to him more then he believes what Mitch McConnell says in public, over and over again.
Joe might as well be Mitch’s brother in law. He and Elaine Chow are tied together at the Establishment hip when it comes to China.
Yuck. Being on the same side of the Biden thing with this GOP troll is nauseating.