Delaware Liberal

Man-n-n-n, This Hunter Biden Guy

When last we heard of Joe’s wayward son, he had found love in the arms of his dead brother’s widow.  It seemed strange, but, hey, nobody was hurting anybody, and Joe ‘n Jill seemed happy. A million roses bloomed.

Well, you can tear up that Hallmark Made-For-TV Movie script:

Tabloid news website TMZ reported that Hunter Biden married a woman named Melissa Cohen last month in a “quickie ceremony.”

TMZ said the couple was married by a Los Angeles minister who runs an instant marriage company.

So, let’s see, the guy gets kicked out of the Naval Reserve for drug use, repeated and confirmed infidelities, a rocky divorce from his wife and subsequent relationship with Beau’s widow, and now this.

Which doesn’t even include his hinky business dealings.

Joe’s new campaign motto: “At least my kids aren’t as corrupt as Trump’s kids are. At least not all of them’.



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