DL Open Thread: Thurs., June 13, 2019

Filed in Featured by on June 13, 2019

Yep, Trump Would Accept Campaign Info From Foreign Government, Wouldn’t Contact FBI.  We, of course knew this b/c of 2016, but now he’s admitted it. Rethugs will defend him somehow.

No More Trials Re Vaughn Uprising.  There really was no point, all the cases were compromised.  What a mess.

FEMA Short ‘A Few Thousand Employees’ Heading In To Hurricane Season.  And, yes, the head of FEMA is an ‘acting’ head of FEMA.

Should Prisoners Have The Right To Vote?  Two states already permit it. When you consider some of the trumped-up charges that placed so many minorities behind bars, the idea has merit.

Alabama Sheriffs: A Law Unto Themselves. In other words, they lawlessly looted their departments right before leaving office.

What do you want to talk about?


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  1. bamboozer says:

    Yep, a grand mess was made of the Vaughn “uprising” and it’s not surprising as we only employ the best incompetents and that extends to lawyers as well. Alabama? It’s a shit hole state determined to catch and surpass Mississippi.

  2. I don’t blame the lawyers. No cameras in the prison, and all the prisoners working their own agendas. Unless…it was the DOJ’s idea to house all the ‘witnesses’ together in the same cells. Whose bright idea was THAT?

  3. Alby says:

    While Kevin Ohlandt covers another charter school disaster, it’s worth reading this article on how charters in Pennsylvania are simultaneously destroying public education and sending property taxes higher because of the same money-follows-the-student system we use here in Delaware.

    • RE Vanella says:

      Remember, folks. When the ghouls at the chamber of commerce… ah, I mean Gov Con Jarney say that we don’t need Kowalko’s tax brackets because we don’t need the revenue…

      What they (or damn, did it again..) What he means is the schools are perfectly good and fully funded as they are. The environment is fine. The water’s clean and there are no homeless or hungry people in the state.


  4. RE Vanella says:

    I’ve recently been made aware of some fantastic news! The formerly faux progressive neoliberal group Progressive Democrats of Delaware has undergone a “shift in ideology.”

    My understanding is the aesthetic went from Obamaite to more of a Nouvelle Fred Hampton. Dr Guevara has returned from the mountains. The mechanisms of the group are now in the hands of the people.

    Viva la revolución


    Programming note. Our comrades who implemented this PDD action will be in the Bunker next week for a strategy session. I’ll record some of it and let you all get a feel for what is being done.

    Attention! Attention! This is not a drill. We’re coming. It isn’t all electoral politics. We’ll play where you’re comfortable. But we will also play guerrilla style. And we’ll never ever stop.

    Solidarity. RE Vanella

  5. RE Vanella says:

    This guy really gets it. He’s cleaned up his act and is clearly trying to more closely conform with the cultural norms of the 21th century.


    Joe Biden meets a voter’s granddaughter in an Iowa coffee shop and asks her age. She says she’s 13. He addresses her brothers. “You’ve got one job here, keep the guys away from your sister.”


    Good stuff

  6. RE Vanella says:

    Dear ben,

    I strongly encourage you to read that comment at least 3 times and think on it for a full 15 minutes before commenting. I’d hate for you to replay the embarrassment from last time round.

    Solidarity. REV