Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Thurs., June 13, 2019

Yep, Trump Would Accept Campaign Info From Foreign Government, Wouldn’t Contact FBI.  We, of course knew this b/c of 2016, but now he’s admitted it. Rethugs will defend him somehow.

No More Trials Re Vaughn Uprising.  There really was no point, all the cases were compromised.  What a mess.

FEMA Short ‘A Few Thousand Employees’ Heading In To Hurricane Season.  And, yes, the head of FEMA is an ‘acting’ head of FEMA.

Should Prisoners Have The Right To Vote?  Two states already permit it. When you consider some of the trumped-up charges that placed so many minorities behind bars, the idea has merit.

Alabama Sheriffs: A Law Unto Themselves. In other words, they lawlessly looted their departments right before leaving office.

What do you want to talk about?


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