Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Sat. June 15, 2019

Is Economic Growth The Wrong Standard To Measure A Country’s Success?: New Zealand thinks so.  You just might agree. I do.

The Democratic Debate Lineups:  Anyone want to predict the tenor of each night’s action?  I’m looking forward to both Sanders and Buttigieg ripping Biden’s record to shreds on Night 2.

SOS Pompeo: President Doesn’t Need Congressional Approval to Go To War With Iran.  Hey, he’s above the law. He can do anything.

It’s Not Just Trump’s Tariffs: How Swine Flu In China Is Hurting American Farmers.  Fewer pigs=fewer soybeans headed to China.

Why Nancy Pelosi Is Reluctant To Impeach. I disagree with her, but this article places her views in context, and they’re worth considering.

What do you want to talk about?


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