DL Open Thread: Sat. June 15, 2019

Filed in Featured by on June 15, 2019

Is Economic Growth The Wrong Standard To Measure A Country’s Success?: New Zealand thinks so.  You just might agree. I do.

The Democratic Debate Lineups:  Anyone want to predict the tenor of each night’s action?  I’m looking forward to both Sanders and Buttigieg ripping Biden’s record to shreds on Night 2.

SOS Pompeo: President Doesn’t Need Congressional Approval to Go To War With Iran.  Hey, he’s above the law. He can do anything.

It’s Not Just Trump’s Tariffs: How Swine Flu In China Is Hurting American Farmers.  Fewer pigs=fewer soybeans headed to China.

Why Nancy Pelosi Is Reluctant To Impeach. I disagree with her, but this article places her views in context, and they’re worth considering.

What do you want to talk about?


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  1. Alby says:

    Quote of the day, from Lucian K. Truscott at Salon:

    “Trump could have the White House painted high gloss black and order the Treasury Department to deliver pallets of hundred dollar bills to the front door, and the Democrats would accuse him of a cover-up and order another hearing.”

  2. Alby says:

    For anybody who thinks that Trump is merely a pathological liar, or doesn’t know fact from fiction, this report on how he intimidated the press and Wall Street from reporting on his business failures should set you straight:


    • Mike Dinsmore says:

      Hi, Alby,

      That link puts me behind a paywall. Do you know if the article appears anywhere else?


      p.s.: Gulf of Oman = Gulf of Tonkin redux?

  3. jason330 says:

    Thanks for the New Zealand link. Great stuff. GDP isn’t “growth” and the DJIA isn’t “the economy”