Early Election Line – Part 1 of Many

Filed in National by on June 20, 2019

Since Celia Cohen has retired from the biz, it falls to me to set the early matchups.  Spoiler Alert: This is the roughest of rough drafts.

US SENATE- Democratic Primary

Chris Coons vs Unopposed

July 1, 2018 is the deadline for the party to set the filing fee. July 10th is the deadline for candidates to file for a Statewide Office. Since the Dem primary IS THE ELECTION, It will be a crime when Coons goes un-primaried. But I’m not hearing anything, so it looks like Coons gets a walk.

US SENATE- Republican Primary

Some Crazy Person vs Some Crazy Person

Let’s face it, Trump-fever continues to grip the DEGOP. Nobody with a chance of winning statewide will expose themselves to the deranged mob known as registered Republicans. So it looks like Coons gets a walk.  How lucky is Coons?  Castle gets taken out by a lunatic, then everyone just lays down like he is a young Mike Tyson. 

Delaware Governor – Republican Primary

Some Crazy Person vs Some Crazy Person

Again, nobody with a chance of winning statewide will expose themselves to the deranged mob known as registered Republicans.  Check that, there is Republican clueless enough, and this person has won statewide – Kathy McGuiness.   She could run on her record as the State Auditor that required legislation to make her do her job.  That kind of shit will be catnip to the deranged mob known as registered Republicans.  

Delaware Governor – Democratic Primary

John Carney (CoC) vs Sarah McBride 

I’m not giving up on this.  It makes too much sense not to happen.  

Here is a link to the Dept of Corrections…I mean Elections deadline calendar. I’ll be outsourcing most of the rest of this series. You’re Welcome.






About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    It is indeed a crime not to see Coons and Carney get a primary as it’s well deserved, that and I hate ’em both.

  2. Alby says:

    Just to be accurate, each Republican primary will be a Trumpkin crazy person vs. a crazy person who laments Trump’s tone but still believes in “conservative values.”

    • jason330 says:

      Normally, yes. But I don’t think there are even that many crazy people who lament Trump’s tone but still believes in “conservative values” left in the party.

  3. liberalgeek says:

    The deadline for the party to set filing fees is July 1, 2020. My guess is that they will set them in December 2019.

  4. liberalgeek says:

    Kathy McGuiness is the Auditor, not the Insurance Commissioner.

  5. Lurker says:

    Someone exactly refresh me why Sarah McBride could be the chief executive of this state again? You guys and your feel good candidates. It’s like when KEH was stumping telling voters she recently worked at royal farms and my neighbor said “think about it” when she knocked on his door and then had a beer with me and said “why does a woman who said her experience is royal farms think she can be senator”….damn some of you need to wake up and hit the suburbs

  6. jason330 says:

    “Someone exactly refresh me why Sarah McBride could be the chief executive of this state again?”

    Because anyone could be a better chief executive than Carney.

  7. jason330 says:


    What experience does John Carney have running anything?

    • mediawatch says:

      No matter how you phrase it, you’re setting a pretty low bar.

      For once, maybe we should say something positive about him, like “John Carney has more experience in government than the president of the United States.”