Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Fri., June 21, 2019

72, Count ‘Em, 72,  Philly Cops Suspended For Racist & Anti-Muslim Facebook Posts. Here’s the research that nailed ’em.  Gee, think we might find something similar here in Delaware?

The Reprisal On Iran That Wasn’t.  Jee-zus.  It’s almost impossible that these bozos won’t get us involved in military action here.

Biden Reached Out To Eastland To Craft Anti-Busing Legislation.  He owned it back then:

“I want you to know that I very much appreciate your help during this week’s Committee meeting in attempting to bring my antibusing legislation to a vote,” Biden wrote on June 30, 1977.

The recipient of Biden’s entreaty was Sen. James O. Eastland, at the time a well-known segregationist who had called blacks “an inferior race” and once vowed to prevent blacks and whites from eating together in Washington. The exchange, revealed in a series of letters, offers a new glimpse into an old relationship that erupted this week as a major controversy for Biden’s presidential campaign.

Regardless of the context of the times, Biden has been so wrong on so many things over the years.  Does anybody think he’ll be less wrong and more right as president?

“No Soap For You”.  Or toothbrushes, or beds, if you’re a kid detained at the border. I just can’t even…

Delaware Budget Passes in House. Legislators and reporters alike have joined the budget-smoothing cult.

What do you want to talk about?


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