Delaware Voters Are Being Openly Insulted By The Democrats They Elected

Filed in National by on June 23, 2019

Delaware put the Democrats in power, it wasn’t so that they would smother Democratic initiatives, fail to bring democratic bills to a vote, allow the death penalty to come back, and put Republican budget smoothing proposals above literally EVERYTHING.

If the Democrats don’t do anything, why should they expect anyone to continue working and voting for them?

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (19)

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  1. All Seeing says:

    These are status quo politicians whom have not realized the world, country and state have changed an afoul lot since 9/11. They fail to keep pace with everything within their domain. They are sort of committing political malpractice by failing to update the departments, infrastructure and sustainability of its people. The low or no tax thing has caught-up with them and they haven’t seen that either. It is sort of like the blind leading the blind or they don’t know if they should shit or go blind so they cover one eye and fart.
    But you are right Jason330 and the only way you will get the “entrenched” to do their job and live up to their “oath of Office” is to hammer away @ them and expose them for the frauds they truly are. Point the shit out my man.

  2. Alby says:

    It really is incredible. It’s as if we actually DID elect Ken Simpler governor.

  3. All Seeing says:

    Mike Castle Democrats without environmental protections is what they are.

  4. John Kowalko says:

    Insulted would be a kind description of both parties actions regarding responsibilities to taxpayers’ monies. Post the following facts as you see fit:

    In blatant disregard for existing Delaware law the Joint Finance Committee, chaired by Representative Quinn Johnson, inserted language in the budget bill that will ensure no oversight and accountability for millions of taxpayer dollars. This is the ninth time the JFC has done so.
    According to the reimbursement formula for school district transportation costs, when districts are allotted more than they need they are required to return the extra amount. Delaware Code and the Delaware Administrative Code require school districts to return the additional money. Charter schools are also mandated to return unused transportation funding (Delaware Code, title 14, section 508).
    However, this year’s budget creates an exception via epilogue language-inserted on the last day of JFC hearings- for charter schools only which allows them to keep the extra money
    The FY 2019 Budget will circumvent Section 508 and allow Charter schools to keep the extra money even when they do not need it for transportation costs. An additional concern is the fact that the law governing Charter Schools allows them to spend taxpayer money without public accountability or scrutiny. The public does not know how Charter School money is spent. There is no line item budget that taxpayers can purview.
    It is important to know that this epilogue language dismantles safeguards and accountability for taxpayer funding. It allows Charters to keep money that is specifically allocated for transportation costs and spend it on purposes for which it was not intended. The public deserves legitimate oversight of tax monies spent and an absolute assurance that their tax-money is spent for the specific purpose as intended. Nothing less should be acceptable to legislators as public servants and public stewards of the taxpayers’ monies and it is certainly within the public’s rights to demand accountability.
    Let me reiterate, the returning of money not used for the specific application of those funds, for traditional public schools, is required by Delaware Code and the Delaware Administrative Code. The returning of money for Charter Schools is mandated by Delaware Code, Title 14, section 508. This epilogue language, in the budget, contravenes existing code which prohibits such action from being taken or allowed.
    The epilogue language permits the use of taxpayer money allocated for student transportation for any other purpose. The amount of unregulated money not subject to any accountability or legislative oversight has reached staggering proportions in recent years. In 2016 $898,026 kept by Charter schools in excess of their transportation costs. In 2017 that unregulated surplus grew to $1,262.930 and in 2018 it swelled to $1,418,707 in taxpayer money. Odyssey Charter, now under intense scrutiny for its spending and management performance, kept an excess of $299,001 in 2016, $598,405 in 2017 and a staggering $764,053 in 2018! Delaware law mandates a return of those monies not spent for the specific allocation intended but the Joint Finance Committee contravened that law with epilogue language and will allow this to continue.
    I filed an amendment to the budget that would remove the language inserted in the budget that nullifies existing code. My amendment to restore oversight and legislative responsibility on behalf of Delaware families and taxpayers failed. In a shocking display of irresponsibility, the House voted against the amendment. The only three members of the chamber who joined me were Representative Kim Williams, David Bentz and Andria Bennett. Please drop them a note of appreciation applauding their integrity and responsible judgment and notify the other dissenting House members of your disappointment in their failure to adequately support all Delawareans.

    • Paul Hughes says:

      who is opposing them. Sorry but the people of Delaware (wilmington) want more free shit. Therefore graft and corruption reigns. As long as they give to the slaves of the Dems. Shame, people here only vote for handouts

      • jason330 says:

        Paul, Do yourself a favor and lay off the Fox News for a few days.

      • Alby says:

        Really? Do you know any of these “people in Wilmington” who “want free shit”? Or are you just parroting your pants-pissing white neighbors?

        Do you have the faintest idea what you’re talking about? It appears not. Republicans are damn lucky they don’t have to pass an intelligence test to keep living.

  5. The Deldems dilemma is that the party is funded here by elected officials and is not a grassroots/advocates funded party. We should be grateful, I suppose, that at least it is funded at all. Many state party organizations are funded by a few wealthy people of conscience combined with trial lawyers and labor. The Repugs here seem to have the wealthy people, minus the conscience factor and the lawyers here seem to mostly be those enriching themselves from the corporate side of trial law; and labor is a weakened due to departure of industry and the absence of a robust SEIU and aggressive public employees union. The other problem is that the party leadership heavily populated with staffers of those funders, employees of government agenciess and lobbyists with their incomes fueled by relationships with electeds. And many lobbyists and government agency employees are former electeds. I’d much rather have it this way than Delaware in the hands of Repugs but this is a very democracy restricting model and I grieve daily about this.

  6. mouse says:

    It really sucks having to vote for a corrupt corporate serving party because they are better than the alternative

  7. Andy says:

    But stupid is as stupid does, right?
    Keep voting Socialist-Democrats and see how soon Delaware will become New York city.

  8. jason330 says:

    I just re-read this post because it is blowing up.

    Anyway, each time I read it I am reminded that John Carney is not facing a primary.

    • MFX says:

      Are we sure about that? I’m still holding out hope. But I don’t know enough about the deadlines and logistics involved in mounting a challenge.

    • Alby says:

      Judging by the invasion of double-digit-IQ conservatives, I’m guessing a right-wing site must have picked it up.

  9. RE Vanella says:

    Paul’s confused. Deeply confused.