DL Open Thread: June 23, 2019

Filed in Featured by on June 23, 2019

The Land Where The Internet Ends:  Probably not for much longer, but sounds like a nice place to be.

Exxon KNEW What Was Coming In 2019. And Buried The Info.  Maybe Trump will give all Exxon execs blanket pardons.

Green Parties The Future Of European Politics?

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  1. Alby says:

    Jeffrey Toobin on Clarence Thomas’ dissent in the Flowers case:


    What I find unsupportable in the Thomas opinion is its assignment of motive to the other justices (only Gorsuch joined Thomas in the 7-2 decision).

    Thomas said that the prosecutor’s behavior was blameless, and he practically sneered at his colleagues, asserting that the majority had decided the Flowers case to “boost its self-esteem.” Thomas also found a way to blame the news media for the result. “Perhaps the Court granted certiorari because the case has received a fair amount of media attention,” he wrote, adding that “the media often seeks to titillate rather than to educate and inform.”

    That kind of speculation is sketchy enough on a blog, let alone in a Supreme Court opinion. Here, let me answer it with some speculation of my own: Could the radical views of his conservative-activist wife be influencing his judgment? As Peggy Noonan once wrote, “Is it irresponsible to speculate? It would be irresponsible not to.”