Delaware Liberal

Democratic Presidential Debate: Night Two Post-Mortem

My quick take:

The Big Winner: Kamala Harris. She would make Trump look even worse than she made Biden look.

Winner: Pete Buttigieg. Unlike Beto. he looked like he belonged. Could you imagine an Indiana face-off with Mike Pence? Definitely could be the Veep with Warren or Harris.

Big Loser: Bernie. I’m sorry, I love him, but he just seemed off his feed tonight. I think his time has passed, and I think he is beginning to suspect it. Great closing, though.

Almost As Big A Loser: Biden. Once Harris nailed him, he lost it.  Obama nostalgia can only take him so far. He was not the most electable person on the stage, and that was his claim for front-runner status.

Loser: Gillibrand. She may or may not be the strongest voice for women in the campaign, as she claims. But she’s not in the same league as Warren and Harris.

Non-Entities: Everybody else. Except perhaps for Sen. Bennet, who called out Biden by pointing out that one of Biden’s touted supposed accomplishments actually extended the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy.

What do you think?

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