Delaware Liberal

Let’s Face It, 2020 is going to be about race in America

African Americans in general and African American women, in particular, are the most reliable Democratic voters. Hillary Clinton took them for granted and enough of them they stayed home that she lost. Maybe she wasn’t prepared for how racist Trump was prepared to make the election. In her defence, who was?

Similarly, who among us was prepared for how racist Trump would govern? The DC sages told us it was a show to bring out the base. Well, the show goes on, and on…and on.

Trump has never pretended that his election in 2016 was about anything other than race. Trump has never pretended that his administration is about anything other than race. His dog whistles are not silent dog whistles, they are loud and proud sheriff Bull Connor whistles.

Biden can’t be the nominee. There is no formula for being “just racist enough” to peel away some Trump voters. No. There are is no middle to appeal to. You want the racism Trump is selling or you don’t. 2020 is going to be about race and it is going to be a war.

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