BREAKING!: Sen. Harris McDowell To Retire

Filed in Featured by on July 1, 2019

Last night, Sen. Harris McDowell announced that he would not seek reelection in 2020, bringing to a close a 44-year career.

Here is the story and video from WDEL:

While I know that not everyone agrees, he did a lot of good during his career. We’ll have plenty more time to talk about that. But for some reason, this song comes to mind:

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  1. jason330 says:

    Once again we see that primaries work. In this case, it only took the threat of a primary to flip the seat.

  2. Harris had withstood primaries before.

    Dave McBride, on the other hand…

  3. Lurker says:

    Nice! Any early favorites to replace this dinosaur oh the dem side?

    Does Spadola run again?

  4. The near-moribund site just ‘broke’ this story about 90 minutes after we posted it here. Without attribution, of course.

    Hey, they’re getting better. Usually takes them much longer than 90 minutes to steal a story.

  5. b2myfriends says:

    Should we expect a follow-up announcement where “Dr.” Mark Brainard has rewarded him for all those years doing Del-Tech’s bidding with a cushy position within the Office of the President, or perhaps a seat on the Board of Directors?