DL Open Thread: Tues., July 2, 2019

Filed in Featured by on July 2, 2019

Border Patrol Agents Are Racist And Sexist Assholes. Don’t take my word for it, take their word for it.  They should all be fired. Right now. They won’t be. Brilliant work by Pro Publica.

Trump Administration Slow-Walking Printing Of Census Forms. Because, of course they are.

Will Pa. Gov. Sign Bill Banning ‘Straight Party’ Voting? It’s in the same bill with funding for new voting machines.

Hunter Biden Comes Clean. Allegedly.  We’re supposed to accept this on its face? Uh, not me. Chronicled with breathless naivete by one Meredith Newman, who demonstrates the potential to wax rhapsodic about the decor in LBR’s office someday.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. RE Vanella says:

    That Newman thing on Biden is simply a repackaging of the New Yorker piece for local ‘Biden’ clicks fron the hoi polloi & rubes who are unaware of the New Yorker. Dumb dumb stuff.

  2. Alby says:

    TNJ is really in the bag for Biden this time around. Guess we’ll never see that story about all the people in town Joe has stiffed over the years. It’s a good story, and one that shows yet another way that Biden is just Trump without the courage of his convictions.

  3. BTW, Beau is doing great! He’s in the office every day vigorously handling every detail of his job!

    • Which reminds me…one way the newly-relocated and downsized Barnes & Noble can free up some space real quick is to deep-discount all those copies of ‘Promise Me, Dad’–stat.

  4. BTWBTW, Hunter doing crack cocaine… doesn’t that mean hard jail time under the Biden crime bill?

    In fact, when Biden crafted that crime bill, was one of the reasons why cocaine was not as heavily penalized as crack cocaine b/c he knew his son was abusing it?

  5. Alby says:

    As a follow-up to the Border Patrol piece, I expect calls to disband the service will increase. Won’t matter while Trump is in office, but I expect the next Democratic president to fire the whole lot of them.
