Trump’s July 4th is a scandal that would bring down a legitimate President
Not being a legitimately elected President has given Trump the ability to ignore laws at will. Josh Marshall give a brief snapshot of all the laws he will be breaking this afternoon. They include:
– Illegally using public office for fundraising.
– Illegally using the military for a political rally.
– Illegally selling access to government property.
– Illegally selling access to government officials.
– Illegally funneling money to a political party.
But hey…LOL, nothing matters – Right, Speaker Pelosi?
We’ve seen all the stories about tanks in DC and the Trumpified Fourth of July celebration later this week. These things are wrong. They’re grotesque. But last night I saw something quite different. According to HuffPost, the RNC has been given tickets to distribute for the event. It’s already clear that this is in substance going to be another Trump political rally. But it’s on US government property. It’s paid for by the US government and in significant part by the US military. It not includes display of heavy weaponry. Trump will apparently have the heads of each uniformed service on stage with him as he speaks. Tickets distributed by the RNC are by definition used for fundraising purposes even if they are not directly sold to donors for a certain contribution price. They’re used to leverage political contributions.
I figure most incumbents use their position as an advantage over the competition. Obama did it. There was even a first lady who did it to become a senator.
What office is the first lady an incumbent of?
No need to reply. I gotta go burn some flags.
…And you have that right. I wonder if you could burn the Cuban flag in Cuba… I’m guessing no.
Because Cuba is dope as fuck. I thought we covered this earlier this week.
You’re fucking slow, bro.
Please set yourself on fire before the flag scumbag.
He’s more likely to set you on fire. Or the Wilmington Club.
He’s not wrong.
It’s be cool to do a 2 birds 1 stone bit. But they’d never let Tom in.
He claims he belongs already.
I used to go to that place. Good lamb chops. Used to have hookers upstairs in the billiards room I heard.
Like all things Trump, this Turned out to be stupid bullshit that didn’t live up to the hype.
I saw two tanks, some helicopters, a small formation of fighter jets, and an old fashioned military style band. I’ve seen bigger displays at sporting events.
The media said he shouldn’t make July 4th political, but afterwards CNN lamented that he didn’t make it political enough.
Sure they did.
The fact that Trump is a fuck-up who therefore can’t do all the evil he’d like to doesn’t exactly fill me with good thoughts about our future.