Delaware Liberal

The problem with moderate Dem a-holes like Joe Biden

The problem is that they cede way too much power and authority to the idiots and buffoons in the GOP. Trump’s idiocy and buffonery isn’t new. The GOP has been chock-a-block full of buffoons and idiots for my entire lifetime. Biden has always treated the GOP’s trickle down economics lovers, climate change deniers & Iraq war cheerleaders like normal people in spite of the evidence to the contrary.


At least from Newt onwards.

For the newcomers, this is completely foreign. To them, Republicans shouldn’t be feared, they should be beaten. Ocasio-Cortez told me that she treats Republicans like buffoons because that’s how they’ve behaved for as long as she can remember. “Even before I was of voting age, I saw Republicans accuse the Obamas of doing a ‘terrorist fist bump,’ so they’ve been clowns since I was a teen,” she said.

You shouldn’t have to be as young as she is to see this.


This all also explains why young voters really HATE Joe Biden. He smply doesn’t get it. He can’t get it. He is wired all wrong for the present moment.

– Via Eschaton

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