DOJ Seeks ‘Do-Over’ On Census Question. Can’t meet the deadline? Bring in new lawyers and ask for more time. Yo, D’s, you have to meet relentlessness with relentlessness. The Rethugs won’t quit. Looks like you already have.
Which Reminds Me. The problem is the timidity of older D officeholders. Because…Reagan. I like this Ryan Grim guy.
Why Urbanization Can Be Good For The Environment. Sounds good to me:
“Cities, of course, use enormous amounts of resources and generate tremendous quantities of wastes,” Walston writes, “but their environmental advantages are revealed when consumption statistics are reported on a per capita basis.” A 2011 report from the office of the Mayor of New York City found that the average New Yorker consumes 74% less water, uses 35% less electricity and produces 45% less garbage per person when compared with the average American.
In addition to supporting specific, targeted urban biodiversity projects — such as protecting bees and other pollinators in green spaces — city lawmakers, businesses and residents can harness economies of scale for environmental benefit by, for example, ensuring that buildings are occupied at capacity to limit new construction, using low-carbon building materials, improving public transportation to disincentivize private car ownership, and promoting the repair of household electronic devices to prolong their lifespans. Encouraging clothing companies to use upcycled fabrics and consumers to buy less clothing overall would reduce consumption-based emissions from clothing and textiles by 39% by 2030, according to a June analysis by C40, a consortium of 94 major cities committed to climate change.
What’s more, cities are hubs of technological innovation and social movements — including conservation activism. Walston’s own Wildlife Conservation Society, along with the first Audubon Society, the Sierra Club, the Nature Conservancy and Greenpeace were all founded in cities, the paper points out.
Drinking Like A Fish. Jim Beam and fish don’t mix.
Insurance Companies Ditching Big Coal? Chubb has gotten the ball rolling in the US. Who will follow?
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