Delaware Liberal

Cuomo gives Dems Green Light to get Trump’s Taxes – Dems Waver

It could be strategy, or it could be stupidity, or it could be plain cowardice. It doesn’t really matter. As long as Democrats don’t do what they were elected to do, the country descends ever deeper into irredeemability.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Monday signed legislation requiring state officials to hand over President Donald Trump’s tax returns upon request from congressional committees, providing House Democrats another avenue to obtain financial information the White House has refused to release.

Progressives immediately turned their attention to House Ways and Means Committee chairman Richard Neal (D-Mass.), who now has the authority to ask New York for Trump’s state tax documents.

Ryan Thomas, spokesperson for progressive advocacy group Stand Up America, urged Neal to make the request right away.

“Chairman Richard Neal should immediately request Trump’s state tax returns as he is now legally entitled to do,” Thomas said in a statement. “Any further delay is an injustice to the American people who deserve transparency about Trump’s foreign entanglements and massive conflicts of interest.”

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