DL Open Thread: Weds., July 10, 2019

Filed in Featured by on July 10, 2019

Medical Marijuana: Great For Pain, Bad For Getting A Job.  At least in Delaware. It’s 2019, can’t we get this worked out?

Supreme Court To Render Political Corruption Obsolete?  It’s picking up the ‘Bridgegate’ appeal, and the decision could well legalize political corruption. In fact, it’s likely.

Pa. Rethugs Look To Limit Powers Of Reformist Philly DA.  Some D legislators say they didn’t know what was in the bill they passed. Sound familiar? Who was behind the move? The FOP, of course.

ICE Illegally Opening New Detention Centers.  All three in the deep south. All three, of course, run by private contractors. And with no authorized money to fund them. Conditions are already horrific. Al, can we rent some space in France from you?

How Clarence Thomas Has Populated The Trump Administration With True Believers Like Him. I didn’t know this. Betcha you didn’t either.

The Great Rip Torn Passes Away. He lived the lives he portrayed onscreen. One of a kind.

What do you want to talk about?






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  1. Police Cadet Sought In Strangulation Had Already Been Sworn In:


    Hey, he already has the ‘Police Bill Of Rights’ working for him. County official calls it a ‘personnel’ issue and declines to provide more info. He’s a cop now. He can do whatever he wants and keep his record sealed.