Action Item – Call Lisa Blunt Rochester’s Office Today to Tell Her We Want a More Energetic Approach to Resisting Trump

Filed in National by on July 19, 2019

Call LBR’s office now and ask her to help her Democratic colleagues confront Trump with a strong unified voice: (302) 830-2330

Ask your member of Congress to represent you with a more energetic approach to confronting President Trump and to stop enabling Trump by ignoring him.

Lisa Blunt Rochester resides in a bubble of DC conventional wisdom and thinks we can simply wait out Trump. Her strategy of keeping her head down isn’t working.

Your call today will be to follow up and support the work some activists did this morning in meeting with LBR’s State Director, Courtney McGregory, (who also does not view the current situation as a crisis).

Call LBR’s office now and aks her to help her Democratic colleagues confront Trump with a unified voice: (302) 830-2330

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. jason330 says:

    I just called and the staffer is super nice. My remarks were a little rambling, but I think I got my point across.

    -Stop ignoring the President’s egregious behaviour.
    -Start confronting him more energetically.
    -Express solidarity with the Democrats who have been confronting him more energetically.