DL Open Thread: Fri., July 19, 2019

Filed in Featured by on July 19, 2019

Will Multiracial Democracy Survive Trump? An existential question for our time.

Plan To Help Farmers Address Climate Change Was Buried By Trump’s Ag. Dep’t.  Farmers are paying for it now.

Sen. Collins ‘Tiptoeing Without A Net’.  She’s in trouble. Time to take her down.

Next Labor Secretary? Scalia’s Kid.  He’s got both the name and the anti-labor bona fides Rethugs are looking for. I mean, he’s really terrible.

Dog Bites Man. DNREC Not Doing Its Job On Plastic Bag Ban.  One essential for Carney’s Chamber Of Commerce agenda: An ineffectual DNREC enforcement mechanism. Mission accomplished.

What do you want to talk about?


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  1. bamboozer says:

    Had a laugh at “Collins in the political middle”, that’s merely her cover story, after statements to the contrary she always votes for the Republicans and their far right agenda. Every single time.

  2. puck says:

    Sex accusations against Kevin Spacey evaporate in the bright light of a courtroom.

  3. RE Vanella says:

    I’m the only good commenter on here. You’re threatened and confused.

    • Alby says:

      No, I’m unamused and disgusted. A person incapable of rational argument is of no use to the greater project.

  4. RE Vanella says:

    I retract that. It’s mouse & me. Only 2.

  5. Paul says:

    I always thought that Al Franken would be one of the voices that could successfully challenge Trump and his political posturing. Thanks to Kirsten Gillibrand, the woman who replaced Franken in the US Senate is noted for saying what? Nothing at all. Thanks Kirsten, you evil self-serving bitch.

  6. Condor says:

    WIth McD in his final year of the Senate, who’s going to take the role of climate/energy boss of the Senate?

  7. El Somnambulo says:

    He’s not the climate/energy boss of the Senate, but it’s an interesting question as he’s done both some real good things and some real bad things when it comes to energy policy.

    Here’s a story I don’t think I’ve shared here before. When the big dereg push was on in Dover, the person who most pushed for it was one Joe Farley. Farley was (a) the State Democratic Committee Chair and (b) the chief lobbyist for Delmarva Power or whatever the fuck the incarnation of that entity was at that moment. The Farley/Delmarva argument was that the energy model for the future was, wait for it, Enron. Either get out of the way or get run over. McDowell had a choice–either negotiate the best deal possible for consumers, or Farley/Delmarva would run over him. And Farley/Delmarva had the stroke to do it. McDowell negotiated a deal that would delay consumer cost increases for several years. Nobody, at least in Delaware, knew at the time that Enron was a Ponzi scheme. That was the context of that negotiation.

    McDowell has made mistakes when it comes to energy policy. I won’t pretend otherwise. But he’s never gotten rich as a result of his involvement in this issue, nor, and I strongly believe this, was it ever his intent to use his office to massage his bank account.

    I’m not sure which senator has the requisite expertise to be the lead on that issue. I would hope it’s someone like Sokola, and not either, say Hansen or Poore. But I don’t know. If I had to guess, I’d say Hansen, and I don’t think the results would be pretty.