“Why are DL comments dwindling to a four-way circle jerk among the same four contributors?”

Filed in National by on July 19, 2019

“Why are DL comments dwindling to a four-way circle jerk among the same four contributors?”

…especially when we have more lurkers than ever?

I’ll take a crack at it:

It is summer?
Campaigns haven’t really started yet?
People are tired of commenting?
Commenting like “planking” had its day in the sun?
It is a rare commenter who asks anything that approaches an honest question?
It is even rarer that a comment thread generates as much light as it generates heat?
We’ve turned away the most egregious trolls who could always get counted to start an argument?

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (69)

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  1. jason330 says:

    “Trump has given a bad name to randomly spouting off your unfounded, ill-considered opinions on the internet.”

    I forgot that one.

  2. MAGA says:

    Ever consider you block anyone you disagree with?

    • Alby says:

      No, we block commenters who, for example, use “MAGA” in their names. We’re not interested in filling your hours of boredom. We’re not interested in debating anything with you, and we really don’t care about anything you have to say.

      Is there something in that explanation you don’t understand? I’ll be happy to explain it further.

  3. Paul says:

    The people you buy your site from are fucking up your page. Note how many times you say Ally commented on Friday, July 19, 2010. It is more than the one time he actually commented. And these ads really suck. Diatribes against liberals. Look like real posts. The ads really go too far to imitate your content.

    • jason330 says:

      Do me a favour and take a second to report those ads. The little blue square button on the top of the ad should give you a chance to tell google that they are missing the mark.

  4. Stat says:

    Contributors are not interested in discussing or debating topics with commenters that have different viewpoints or opinions. They are immediately dismissed and called names. There is no fun in that or anything new to learn.

    • Alby says:

      “They are immediately dismissed and called names.”

      Usually because they don’t do anything but call names themselves. You, for example, have rarely if ever offered anything worth discussing or refuting. Why would we be interested in debating with you? We’re not going to change your mind, you’re not going to change ours. It’s a waste of our time.

      If you want to engage in debate, you’ll have to work harder at saying something worth debating, and saying it in a way that doesn’t consign you to the troll pile.

      • jason330 says:

        For example, there was a time when I’d entertain “discussing or debating” with gun nuts. After I learned that gun nuts were impervious to reason, logic and common sense, I stopped.

        In that way, blogging has changed. For the better, I’d say. If radio is “broadcasting” blogging is now “narrowcasting” in the best sense.

  5. Alby says:

    I have never read a right-wing site — and I’ve read lots of them — that didn’t ban commenters at the first sign the commenter is not a True Believer.

    You can get yourself banned at Daily Kos simply for pointing out that Kirsten Gillibrand was a blue-dog Democrat.

    Almost no site on the internet still throws out a welcome mat for trolls. We are by no means unusual in withdrawing ours.

    • Dana says:

      OK, I had to close down my original site because it had turned into a hate-fest between two liberal commenters — one of whom was from Delaware — and the conservative commenters. The liberal commenter from the First State threatened to report one of the conservatives, whom he knew personally, to his employer, saying that he was not qualified to teach middle schoolers with the political positions he held.

      In addition to that, I had a total 9/11 truther and “Gore really won” spamming through everything. There’s really no purpose in debating those subjects; no one’s mind is ever changed.

      In my current site, I have no bans going. Unfortunately, I’m not getting the comments I’d like to see; I could use a lefty or two. Due to spam attacks, a commenter has to have a previously approved comment or he will go into moderation; I release those first time comments as soon as I see them.

      As far as a conservative site that doesn’t ban commenters, try The Pirate’s Cove, which has a couple of lefty trolls commenting daily.

      • Alby says:

        That’s just it, there’s no point in engaging when nobody’s mind is going to be changed. I have no interest in simply annoying conservatives who want to air their viewpoints.

        I spent several years engaging with some of the loons on the old Delaware Politics blog, during the years when David Anderson first took over from Dave Burris. I found little engagement, but rather rote repetition of right-wing tropes ad nauseum. I’m a slow learner, so I tried to counter some of the nonsense for several years before I admitted I was pissing up a rainpipe.

  6. SussexWatcher says:

    Your biggest problem is the utter dominance of the threads – any thread – by RE Vanella. He’s not about conversation, but attacking everyone who doesn’t agree 100 per cent and criticizing people who don’t use their own names. He is killing your site because no one wants to engage with him.

  7. Rufus Y. Kneedog says:

    Here’s my POV;
    This blog has always been at its best when it’s focused on local DE issues.
    I have lost any ability to be shocked, outraged or even interested in anything Trump says or tweets let alone any of his followers.
    When the GA is not in session and no active local campaigns, my interest wanes. I still lurk but I don’t comment very often.

  8. Dave says:

    I’m interested in the discussion of issues, both local and national. I’ve had a great many of those with Jason, Alby, et al. My objective is to understand viewpoints that are different from my own and to offer my views on various topics, including how we got to where we are and where we are going as a nation.

    I don’t do diatribes, outrage, haranguing, attacking and general trash talking. When the blog is in that mode, I just go away.

    I still check in though.

    • jason330 says:

      You are the rare commenters I was thinking of when I wrote: “It is a rare commenter who asks anything that approaches an honest question?”

    • Alby says:

      I think some people don’t appreciate the difference between honest inquiry and argumentative trolling.

      • Dave says:

        True that.

        Proverbs 4:7 The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom, and whatever else you get, get insight.

        Or for all you atheists: Steven Covey Habit 5. Seek first to understand. Then to be understood (even though Covey must have ripped it off from the proverb).

        Trolls have no desire for wisdom, understanding, or knowledge.

  9. nathan arizona says:

    I think “circle jerk” pretty well covered it.
    Gets boring. But readership doesn’t seem to matter much to you.

    Bye again.

  10. RE Vanella says:

    Old white men feel belittled, less than. Story of Trump really. Real shame.

    Identity politics! White guilt!

  11. Faithful Skeptic says:

    So the preceding 27 comments are telling you — what?

    (1) You have argumentative readers, some of whom do it for its own sake
    (2) Your fearsome foursome take telling their brand of the truth way too didactically
    (3) You have a bunch of lurkers (including me) who won’t post any more because we’ve been slammed every time we have posted
    (4) This lurker tunes in daily to see what the latest outraged post is. Yesterday it was twice on LBR for not meeting your rhetorical standards. Lame, as he-who-should-not-be-President would say. And, finally,
    (5)All personal blogs, even small group blogs, run out of things to say.

    • Jason330 says:

      Ok but one question…How are you not at least annoyed by LBR’s ongoing pusillanimousness in pursuit of the Senate sinecure?

      • Faithful Skeptic says:

        What makes you think I’m not? I mean annoyed at her lack of presence in politics (aside from showing up). What I find sad is DL’s carping about her non-performance — you’re in constant feedback mode. If you want to take her out, do try, it’s not likely that a Republican can win the seat against a sane progressive who defeated her in a primary. Even Lacey Lafferty or Scott Walker would struggle [sic].

        • jason330 says:

          Oh. The Nike school of “just do it”. Why didn’t I think of that? But seriously, the “carping” as you call it is my contribution to the asymmetric struggle to improve or replace LBR. I mean I got you, of all people, to admit that LBR’s lack of presence is annoying.

          Chipping away.

  12. Arthur says:

    I enjoy reading the diatribes of old white men sitting in their BarcaLounger pecking away at their iPads while. It’s quite humorous

  13. Dave says:

    Once upon a time, DL had quite a few in-depth discussions that I feel led to a greater understanding of the complexities involved arriving at solutions. ACA, purity tests, addiction, schools (OMG the never-saga of DE’s terrible school system), Spanish signs in a Milton park, how did we manage to make Noxalone free, but not insulin, et al. El Som’s pieces usually provide a great deal of fodder for discussion and debate.

    What has been lost is the willingness to debate and discuss. My feeling is that passion has replaced rational discussion. Aside from the Tom Klines, who pop up now and then, most people here are capable of rational discussion and debate. They just aren’t doing it.

    The other thing is that a great deal of ink is expended on how terrible this or that person and politician is. I know who doesn’t like Carper, or Biden, or Park City Cathy, or LBR, and many others. We all get it. Dead horse and all that.

    The admins are the conductors. The blog is what you want it to be. Despite the fact that it waxes and wanes, stuff appears sometimes first and sometimes only here. The blog has a great deal of utility, it just needs to get back on course.

    • Dave, I appreciate your thoughts. The one area where I disagree with you is when you suggest that we’re beating a dead horse (or donkey) when we criticize certain D luminaries.

      Speaking for myself, I believe that in a one-party state, which, for all intents and purposes Delaware is, it’s up to us to call out unethical, amoral, and/or timid behavior from our public officials. Sometimes we even have an impact. Which, IMHO, should be a primary goal of the blog.

  14. the old prospector says:

    How about asking a liberal female to do an occasional guest post? Liven up the place.

    • RE Vanella says:

      They ran away too. But I think you find the list of my podcast guests to be pretty diverse re: gender, race and orientation. It’s a point if pride honestly.

  15. RE Vanella says:

    A bunch of anonymous white dudes over 50 bitching about the way things used to be and lamenting the lack for good faith engagement.

    I think this one sentence encapsulates the entire national political climate actually.

    I did a direct action yesterday. I’m trying to find a way to join a group of activists going to the border next week. But “Nathan Arizona” and “Sussex Watcher” and “Stat” feel mistreated.

    From me to y’all, and I mean this from the depth of my being, get ahold of yourselves. You sound ridiculous babies.

    • jason330 says:

      Basically, you have Democrats who think everything is more or less okay with maybe some tweaking needed around the edges, and people who see the world as it is.

    • SussexWatcher says:

      From the guy who constantly resorts to name-calling and runs a ridiculous little podcast to puff up his ego, this is rich.

      You have no idea what we do in our offline lives, yet you constantly tout yourself as the morally superior being.

      You’re about as effective in your “action” as Kerri Harris was in knocking off Carper. That is, not at all.

      • RE Vanella says:

        You’re jealous. I can tell.

        By the way, what’s Kerri doing now? Has the work allowed her to start to insinuate into larger party political positions?

        It has! Hahaha.

    • Arthur says:

      I remember someone saying that a person who has to justify their self worth diminishes by half each time they do.

    • Alby says:

      “A bunch of anonymous white dudes over 50 bitching about the way things used to be and lamenting the lack for good faith engagement.”

      I know one of them, I think I know another, and one is a straight-up troll. And whatever you think of them or their concerns, you don’t get to drive people away from a blog that’s not yours.

      From me to you, and I mean this from the depth of my being, get over yourself. You sound like a ridiculous baby yourself.

      • RE Vanella says:

        Nah, if someone is “driven away” by my posting they are a large adult baby.

        Also, for what it’s worth, I’m usually under myself.

  16. nathan arizona says:

    Between crying jags, I’d just like to add one thing: I do enjoy reading the guys who write about music.

  17. Brock Landers says:

    If it is 4 way wouldn’t it be a Quadrilateral Jerk?

  18. Anonymous says:

    You might notice that about 100% of the commenters on this site are male now. So, you’ve pretty much driven away all the women.

  19. RE Vanella says:

    New tagline for the podcast:

    “No one would comment because I was mean online.”

    Probably have t-shirts made.

  20. Lurker says:

    Mostly because leg hall is over I check less. Sometimes if there is an article on a new candidate but not here for a daily bashing of the carper or anything. A lot of your readers aren’t as out on the political left as some of the commentators so we kinda just brush past that stuff. I enjoy your race breakdowns and leg ball updates.
    Revanalla is awful though and be more enjoyable to see that locus banned. He’s unbearable.

    • RE Vanella says:

      I agree. Without me more people can join “the circle.” Maybe even jerk each other off! That’s empirically more enjoyable. Just good old fashion anonymous handjobs all around.


  21. puck says:

    I’m OK that commenters are now driven off by personal attacks. Initially comments were useful to draw in and make connections with people who might be useful in the progressive cause. Now those connections have all been made and the daily churn of comments is just a distraction. Maybe DL should just shut down comments, like Celia Cohen. The posts are still top-notch though.

  22. nathan arizona says:

    And you know what happened to Celia’s blog.

    So basically DL should just be a cheerleader for the “progressive cause?” It’s your blog. Enjoy the 14-member choir you’re preaching to. Feel good about yourselves. But there’s a lot of interesting stuff to read out there.

    Maybe you should call yourselves Delaware Progressive, since you tolerate only one brand of liberalism (serious suggestion).

    You do post some things that rise above all this, but they can easily get drowned out by the sound of back-patting (and self-promotion).

  23. Not DE Lib says:

    And you wonder why some went over to Blue Delaware??????

  24. nathan arizona says:

    That’s a pretty desperate step.

  25. MFX says:

    “It is a rare commenter who asks anything that approaches an honest question”

    Am I to assume that the title of this thread is itself an honest question? I get the sense it’s not. But I’ll play along and open myself up to further accusations and bashing and pretend that it was sincere.

    I came here for information and discussion. El Som made it well worth the time to check in and often explained things that were probably obvious to him with his experience while seeming opaque to me in my ignorance. Then I made the mistake of asking several questions. Think what you want – they were honest. The responses were not. At least Alby had the decency to reach out and explain to me that he suspected I was a troll. I think he knows now that I’m not and I was very appreciative of the time he took. But aside from Alby, I got the message loud and clear that I should shut the fuck up and/or go away. So I did.

    I’m not complaining. I’m not shitting on anyone. It’s your sandbox, run it however you like. But I really can’t tell after reading this thread whether there is a desire for this blog to BE welcoming and to foster discussion. And if there is, I can’t tell who the target audience is. Do you only want to preach to the choir? Does anyone other than El Som want to inform those of us who truly want to learn? Does anyone here want to hear from ANYone with a differing opinion or to understand a different point of view? And how about those of us who haven’t already decided exactly where we stand on every issue – is there anything for us here?

    At this point it would take a lot for me to trust the answers to those questions even if anyone cared to answer them. The proof is in the pudding. And the way questions and discussion are treated is the true answer. Go ahead and run the trolls off or moderate them or whatever you want to do. But I’ve read some real questions and fair disagreements that just get shut down and dismissed often enough that the message is loud and clear.

    And while I’m already being far too open and honest for my own good on this site I might as well comment on RE Vanella since he’s taking a beating – I have to admit that I’ve rarely seen him contribute anything remotely constructive here and I don’t see how he’s helping anything or what he gets out of it. At the same time, I listen to his podcast and it IS informative and it turns out he’s not nearly as much of a dick as he seems here. I’d go so far as to recommend a patronage. Oh and his producer Karl is awesome.

    That’s my $.02. Feel free to eviscerate me now for not stating the correct opinion.

    • Alby says:

      Not me. I agree with you almost 100%.

      I took your responses as honest, if only because no troll would go to the trouble to make up a back-story. So when I can answer a question I will.

  26. mouse says:

    Too many upstate folk, need some beach liberals