DL Open Thread: Tues., July 23, 2019

Filed in Featured by on July 23, 2019

The Al Franken Case. In-depth profile in the New Yorker. Bottom line: He got royally screwed. Set up by a bunch of RWNJ’s, including the alleged victim, and thrown out with the trash by D senators who never bothered to even investigate the allegations.  If Gillibrand had any self-respect, she’d resign. Or at least apologize. I’m still angry about this.

Chomsky: Rethuglican Party Is ‘Most Dangerous Organisation In Human History’.  Go ahead, try to think of a more dangerous organi(s)ation. I’ll wait.

Alaskan Salmon In ‘Cardiac Arrest’.  Due to record heat, of course.

Slow-Walking House Ways And Means Chair Draws Progressive Challenger:

Delaware’s Inland Bays Hospitable To Flesh-Eating Bacteria.  Flesh-eating–It’s not just for weasels any more.

What do you want to talk about?


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  1. RSE says:

    I’m going with Raheem Sterling. I don’t think anyone would be surprised, or care.

    “‘HUGE DECISION’ Premier League ace wants to come out as gay but club is worried about backlash from fans”:


  2. ben says:

    YAY! Boris Johnson is now pm.
    Only a matter of days before the next election where Corbin is SURE TO WIN. right?

    • Jason330 says:

      I Lol’ed. Well played, Sir. We are becoming experts at squeezing comedy out of tragedy

  3. Alby says:

    Noam Chomsky is wrong. The Catholic Church is the most dangerous organization in human history, and it isn’t close.

    • Paul says:

      I agree with Alby.

      • Jason330 says:

        Unlike the GOP, the Catholic Church never pursued an explicit policy of hastening the end of the world.

        • Alby says:

          Better read up on the Bible if you think that’s true. They’ve been actively promoting the end of the world since their Day 1.

          • mediawatch says:

            I beg to differ. They’ve been hyping the event for centuries but I’ve seen no evidence that they’ve actually taken steps to hasten its occurrence.

  4. Not DE Lib says:

    “Why are DL comments dwindling to a four-way circle jerk among the same four contributors?”
    So, what’s your take on all the comments, is anything going to change? New format? A creative way to get a constructive debate? Continue to berate posters? Focus more on local level, than a national one?

    • Alby says:

      Posters who are trolls will continue to be berated and will once again be banned. Consider that a challenge to up your game. Your next meaningful comment will be your first.

      • Not DE Lib says:

        @Alby, Are your comments because I’m not a Liberal? The blog posted a question and was just asking what your group got out of it ….apparently nothing, in your mind!
        Maybe, you’re the problem, simple questions asked. But, I’ll take it from the source.

        • Alby says:

          I’m pretty sure I know you already. The new name isn’t much of a disguise.

          If you’re not a liberal, you have no place here. Add something or go away.

  5. puck says:

    I am in favor of heavily berating MAGAs, corporate Democrats, and their enablers.

  6. jason330 says:

    I’m still angry about the Franken case as well – and my anger budget is maxed out.

  7. Paul says:

    I am SO sick of Republicans offering advice about how to beat Trump in 2020. And the Democrats who choose their advice and so eschew Democratic ideas about how to win. Not Medicare for all, no, that’s too radical. Bullshit! Etc. etc.

    • Jason330 says:

      Seconded. Dems who are still taking advice from Republicans are the absolute worst.

  8. Paul says:

    I’m still seething about the forces who fucked Al Franken to achieve political gain. Gillibrand is the hypocrite in chief, but I can’t stop thinking about the mousy little woman who replace him, who has contributed NOTHING to ANY national discussion of ANY issue. If this were baseball, it’s kind of like trading are Mario Rivera for a third grader to be chosen later. All to satisfy your fucking ego, Kirsten.

  9. bamboozer says:

    I despise Gillibrand as well, she steeped all over Franken to get her face in the news. Then again I despise at least half of the Dem candidates as well, especially the ones that think “just talking” to McConnell will solve anything, gullible beyond words.

    • El Somnambulo says:

      What bugs me is her BS explanation that she did it b/c she didn’t know what she would tell her daughters if she DIDN’T do it.

      How about: “We conducted an investigation into the matter and found that the charges were trumped up’?

  10. Alby says:

    Just as Trump is merely the face of a bigger problem, so it was with Gillibrand. The left-wing press is today full of women who are attacking Mayer for becoming an “Al Franken apologist.” None of the women writing their defensive pieces have done a lick of reporting; Mayer did lots before coming to her conclusion.

    One of these pieces, without noting the irony, claims Franken comes off as whiny. If that were a crime, half the left-leaning female pundits working today would be in prison.

    • Alby says:

      And more than half of the men.

      The problem is that none of the whining from Amanda Marcotte et al addresses any of the points Mayer raised.

      Many senators Mayer spoke to now regret not going through a proper investigation, which some of us recognized right away was the right course. But, learning nothing from ACORN, Schumer caved to the pressure of the moment, which was influenced by the Alabama special election. How could Democrats condemn Roy Moore if they excused Al Franken, the thinking went, and I must concede it worked. They got Doug Jones, probably for two whole years, at the expense of one of the loudest progressive voices in the Senate.

      Gillibrand took the plunge first. Is it fair that she bears the brunt of the backlash? No, but it wasn’t fair that Franken was railroaded, either.

      • Alby says:

        So they traded one progressive for one quiet, centrist D (his replacement) and one conservative D (Jones) whose career will almost certainly end next year.

        I have yet to hear any acknowledgement from feminists that sacrificing Franken has led to any other progress in the #Metoo movement. As we’ve seen from the Kavanaugh and subsequent Trump cases, if anything it has strengthened the MAGA belief that men are the true victims.

  11. Alby says:

    Re: Flesh-eating bacteria

    A guy I know has stopped crabbing off his back-bay dock for fear of cutting a finger and getting infected.

    Sorry, mouse, he’s a Jersey shore guy, but I would guess the situation is the same in Sussex.

    • Jason330 says:

      That doesn’t bode well for property values.

    • Dave says:

      It is the same in Sussex. I know a guy who was in the Indian River Bay who was infected in his finger. He was antibiotics for a year and had several surgeries. Finger was saved but it was touch and go.

      • Not DE Lib says:

        Sussex County is a mess and getting worse! The WAY overbuilding is taxing on the overall infrastructure of the whole county. The only things the politicians care about is the tax money that is coming in. It’s a total disgrace for the environment and the future for our children’s children!


        • Alby says:

          So you’re not a liberal until your interests are threatened. How pathetic.

          • Not DE Lib says:

            Apparently, you do not care about Sussex county and the overgrowth, we get that. Thanks

            • Alby says:

              Of course I do. I just don’t think much of people WHO TYPE IN ALL CAPS! and claim they’re not liberals, but then call for such anti-private property solutions as moratoriums on building permits, which haven’t a snowball’s chance in hell of happening. If you can’t tell what you are accurately, you’re too confused to be here.

              Proclaiming you have the solution to complicated problems is another tip-off that you’re too dumb to be here. As is your greater interest in conducting flame wars than explicating your ideas.

              You still haven’t contributed anything of value, and you’re running out of time.

  12. RIP Art Neville. The mightymighty leader of the Meters and the Neville Brothers:


    Ya say ya wanna hear one more?:


    In the mid to late ’80’s, when they were at the height of their power, I think they were the greatest live band in the USA.

  13. mouse says:

    I saw Aaron Neville open for and play with Jimmy Buffett a while back. Quite a show