Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Tues., July 23, 2019

The Al Franken Case. In-depth profile in the New Yorker. Bottom line: He got royally screwed. Set up by a bunch of RWNJ’s, including the alleged victim, and thrown out with the trash by D senators who never bothered to even investigate the allegations.  If Gillibrand had any self-respect, she’d resign. Or at least apologize. I’m still angry about this.

Chomsky: Rethuglican Party Is ‘Most Dangerous Organisation In Human History’.  Go ahead, try to think of a more dangerous organi(s)ation. I’ll wait.

Alaskan Salmon In ‘Cardiac Arrest’.  Due to record heat, of course.

Slow-Walking House Ways And Means Chair Draws Progressive Challenger:

Delaware’s Inland Bays Hospitable To Flesh-Eating Bacteria.  Flesh-eating–It’s not just for weasels any more.

What do you want to talk about?


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