For some reason Democrats continue to outsource oversight

Filed in National by on July 24, 2019

What a bunch of losers and idiots we have representing us in congress.  I mean, it is pitiful.   Trump is the most patently and transparently corrupt politician in American history but Democrats who control the House can’t manage to lay a finger on him.  

Instead they continue to hope that a proxy can beat Trump up on their behalf.  Maybe 3 years ago that might have been worth trying, but to continue to think that Robert Mueller (or Stormy Daniels, or Michael Cohen, or Michael Flynn) is going to provide some game changing testimony that breaks the Trump case open at this point is simply asinine.  




About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Well, they DO need witnesses to testify. What bugs me is how they’ve slow-walked seeking the enforcement of subpoenas. The lack of a sense of urgency is maddening.

  2. bamboozer says:

    Pelosi is the source of much of the slow walking game, she’s terrified of awakening Reagan from the dead and at the same time she’s fighting a losing battle to hold back the tide of a much needed generational change. Generational Change is the key, what you see is what you get with the Dems antique leadership, and it is not cutting it. Not even close.