Why Joe Biden sounds like an idiot on the stump

Filed in National by on August 1, 2019

Part of it is old age. “Dial oh-three-oh-three-oh-oh.” But a larger part is his asinine centrist, accommodationist (compromise now, compromise tomorrow, compromise forever) political philosophy that makes absolutely no sense in 2019 and leaves him sounding like a straight-up whackjob to everyone outside the DC bubble. Duncan Black sums it up well: 

Better Things Are Not Possible

Details vary, but basically this debate is between those who think that the only way to achieve better things is to aim for one more cookie crumb, and those who think it is better to aim for more. Those who support the former push it as smart strategy even though one more cookie crumb is really want they want.

Think what you want about Obama generally, but it is hard to defend his “if I come to Republicans with a reasonable compromise they will be so impressed by how reasonable it is that they will have to support it.” This worked precisely zero times and I am not sure why anyone would think this group of Republicans (not your father’s Republican party! Joe Biden keeps saying) is more receptive to this than the early groups.

And the voters who matter – swing and irregular ones – don’t reward “reasonableness” no matter how often they tell pollsters it’s something they value.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Jason330 says:

    Biden’s talking points have dwindled down to “I can beat Trump in Michigan” which…FFS, that’s a low bar.

    Bernie beat Clinton in Michigan, Minnesota and West Virginia. A progressive message is what will carry the upper mid-west. Not warmed-over third way Clintonism.