DL Open Thread: Sat., Aug. 3, 2019

Filed in Featured by on August 3, 2019

Delaware Historical Marker Commemorating Lynching Stolen.  No point in asking ‘Is nothing sacred?’ Asked and answered.

The Fight Against Environmental Racism In Birmingham, Alabama.  Don’t forget, environmental racism is alive and well in Delaware. Especially when lobbyists buy off legislators ‘representing’ the most at-risk areas. Gonna return that Waste Management blood money, Darius?

Is Biden Too Old?  Press asks, but doesn’t answer, question. The questions are based on his halting performances in the debates. Could you imagine the gibberish we’d hear in Biden/Trump debates? That would do nothing to galvanize voter turnout.

Border Wall Nothing But A Graft Grab. Senator from North Dakota holds up vote on nominee b/c the Corps Of Engineers won’t steer a contract to firm that helps underwrite his campaigns.

Border Security Nothing But A Graft Grab. How a Tennessee R Rethug conspired with company to steer ‘License Plate Recognition Technology’ contract its way. They’re all a bunch of crooks.

How A Teen From Ireland Figured Out How To Suck Microplastics From The Ocean.  Hey, I know that most of the articles I post here are of a pessimistic nature. After all, I’m a pessimist. Here’s one for the optimists among us.

What do you want to talk about?



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  1. Lurker says:

    Checked out filing this morning.
    The old dead wood caucus has been busy. Smiley, bell, McBride, street and Hartley have filed. The median age there has to be low 70s. Earliest I remembered. Scared of primaries?

    • El Somnambulo says:

      At least three of the five are justifiably scared of primaries. I think that both Bell and Nagle won’t survive theirs. If McBride gets a credible challenger, I don’t think he will either.

  2. El Somnambulo says:

    Thanks! Didn’t realize that filing fees had been set. But it looks like they have, at least by the D’s. Street, IMO, does a good job, and is standing up to those who oppose capping that dump in Minquadale.

    Which makes one out of five. Isn’t that the Mendoza line?

    • Lurker says:

      Bell is in huge trouble. Word in county is he has been losing his crap over it.

      Hartley Nagle is also in trouble. Only issue is no one seems to be collecting around an alternative which may leave her a lane if multiple folks jump in.

      McBride is powerful still in this state. Haven’t heard anyone wanting to step up and that’s a shame.

      Smiley and street prob safe.

      Surprised earl didn’t file early. Although im sure he’s itching for that primary against Morrison.

  3. RSE says:

    When do you think we will see John Wayne, Paul Newman or a Patrick Swayze..lol, return to the big screen?

    • El Somnambulo says:

      About the same time that you make a cogent point.

      • RSE says:

        Probably will bring back Marilyn Monroe before those guys though. This could be the beginning of the end for traditional motion picture actors. Eventually their medium will become a novelty…like silent movies or live theatre.

  4. El Somnambulo says:

    It now appears certain that the shooter who gunned down so many people in El Paso was a virulent anti-immigration true believer who posted a noxious screed online.

    The blood is on Donald Trump’s hands:


  5. jason330 says:

    I’ve been doing this for a while, and I have to say that this comment is astonishing.

    “Tom Kline says:
    August 3, 2019 at 7:57 pm (Edit)
    Many of us are against illegal immigration so watch it.”

    I think we should all take a moment and recognize that Tom Kline wrote that well after it was established that over 15 people were confirmed to be murdered with the death toll rising in this most recent act of domestic terrorism.

    “Many of us are against illegal immigration so watch it.”

    What could the warning to “watch it” possibly mean? The only reading of that comment that doesn’t implicate Kline as a fellow domestic terrorist is a charitable reading that implicates Kline as a stone-cold idiot who thinks that he is somehow a better, more respectable, less bloodthirsty anti-immigrant zealot.

    • Tom Kline says:

      I hope you are being professionally treated for your paranoia
      I encourage you to re-read your rage…who is the “bloodthirsty zealot” here?
      you people need anger management and reasoning skill development.
      Why is legal immigration so vilified by all of you? why does legal immigration enrage you so much?

      • puck says:

        Seeking refugee status IS legal immigration.

      • Alby says:

        The Trump administration is trying to greatly curtail legal immigration as well, and illegal immigration is mostly impossible to tell from legal immigration unless you’re a government official. What’s it matter to you? Or are you one of those labor Democrats who, other than liking the power unions give them, aren’t really Democrats at all?

        Why don’t you drop the pretense of being a Democrat? I’ve yet to hear you ever endorse a Democratic position on anything.

  6. puck says:

    LOL alby has nothing to say except ad hominem and wild thrashing about for imagined motivations. Alby is a better columnist than host.