Delaware Liberal

Action Items: Special Session of the General Assembly & Join Delaware Mom’s Demand Action

Two things we all need to be doing today:

1) Call Carney’s office [Phone: (302) 744-4101] and tell him to convene a Special Session of the General Assembly to consider gun control legislation. Carney stated that he was ‘disappointed’ that little action was taken. Well, now the Governor has the chance to DO something.

Convene a Special Session of the General Assembly doesn’t guarantee anything, but at least they’ll either have to decide to run the bills or to do nothing and go home. Which could have real political consequences.

2) Join Mom’s Demand Action they are really having an impact but more needs to be done. Here are their plainly stated goals. If you agree with them join them on Facebook.

1) Close the deadly loopholes in our background check system that allow minors and dangerous people like felons and domestic abusers easy access to guns;

2) Promote gun safety so that America’s children will no longer be exposed to unacceptable levels of risk;

3) Support reasonable limits on where, when and how loaded guns are carried and used in public; and

4) Create enforceable laws that address gun trafficking and fraudulent purchasing to keep illegal guns off our streets.

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