DL Open Thread: Weds., Aug. 7, 2019

Filed in Featured by on August 7, 2019

Consoler-In-Chief.  These deeply-moving words from the President before he heads to El Paso to ‘console’:

“Beto (phony name to indicate Hispanic heritage) O’Rourke, who is embarrassed by my last visit to the Great State of Texas, where I trounced him, and is now even more embarrassed by polling at 1% in the Democrat Primary, should respect the victims & law enforcement – & be quiet!”

Move Of USDA Operations To KC Was Deliberate Attempt To Fire Agency Employees.  My source?: Mick Mulvaney, Trump’s Chief Of Staff. Where did he say it? At a Rethug fundraiser in South Carolina.

Business Lobbying In DC Spends At Least Twice What Was Previously Reported.  Some excellent reporting here. Is it any wonder that the American Chemistry Council is lavishing praise on Chris Coons in the form of ‘non-advocacy’ ads? What a shock–these ‘advocacy’ groups are passing funds around among each other.

Medicaid Contractors Ripping Off Government, Refusing To Provide Care To Medicaid Recipients.  Take, for example, Centene, ‘the nation’s largest Medicaid managed care company’. As long as these companies have a profit motive, they will do everything they can to provide as little care as possible. Sen. Bob Casey is on their trail.

Wilmington City Council Hires Former Mayor James Baker.  This is…interesting. He’s not being paid much, $12K for a one-year contract. He is supposed to ‘provide historical context and advice on legislative issues’.  Well, Baker is a historian and, when it comes to jazz, a good one. But, as Mayor, he suffered fools poorly. And if there is one thing that City Council has, it’s a surfeit of fools. I’ll be keeping an eye on this one. Could be fun.

What do you want to talk about?


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  1. Nancy Willing says:

    I am guessing she is bringing in the former Mayor because she has no longer got control of the council and he can help. Wilmington’s council is suffering from Hanifa’s mischief.

    If you haven’t viewed this meeting last week, you should (link below).

    Norman Oliver’s sister shows her true whack colors in soldiarity with Shabazz’s massive FAIL to force her agenda through on how council should be spending their discretionary funds….(cough.. Theo Gregory $40K Hanifa ..cough)

    The saving grace is the newest councilperson, Ms. Linda Gray (1st District). Thank the gods for Ms. Gray. Take a look:


  2. Nancy Willing says:

    Other news: Chris Bullock’s wife is fricking in the mix for Bob Williams’ vacated Wilmington city council seat. So is Chris Johnson. How can we help get Johnson into office?

    Think of how the city could thrive if another person of Ms. Gray’s caliber is seated.

    Wilmington City Council announces candidates for vacant 7th District seat


  3. Thanks, Nancy. It’s hard to believe that such a dysfunctional body stumbled onto someone of Gray’s caliber. OMG, Chris Johnson on Council? We should BE so fortunate!

    BTW, I could be wrong, but I THINK that Linda Gray might have been a Legislative Fellow way back in the mid-’80s when I was working for the General Assembly. If so, she was real sharp back then as well.

    • Yikes says:

      Maybe Chris Johnson should worry about paying the staff from his old campaign before he starts planning a new one. People who claim to stand for working people should start by standing for the people who work for them.

      • Nancy Willing says:

        From Chris Johnson when given the above anony complaint –

        ” Look at my financial reports. It’s clear all debts have been paid. It’s unfair accusations.”

        • Yikes says:

          LOL. Well if the finance report says it, the staff must be lying!

          It’s well known that he owes his staff quite a lot of money and has for nearly a year. Unsurprising that he would deny that publicly. Maybe you should ask someone who isn’t trying to revive their political career.

          • Alby says:

            To whom is the staff lying? You? Or in public?

            • Yikes says:

              This is widespread and well-known among campaign staff and activists. Even the finance reports he cited include skipped paychecks and it’s a poorly-kept secret that they’re the tip of the iceberg. You don’t need to take my word for it – ask whomever you like, but consider the source when Johnson doesn’t volunteer his misdeeds.

              • ‘Widespread and well-known among campaign staff and activists’. Name one.

                If given the choice between believing Chris Johnson, who has consistently sacrificed what could be an incredibly lucrative career in exchange for defending people who have little hope, or an anonymous troll on the internets, it’s really not a tough decision, now is it?

              • Yikes says:

                People who say the right thing sometimes do the wrong thing.

                You know people on the inside and close to the campaign. You probably know the people he shorted. Rather than gauge your trust of an anonymous commenter versus your bottomless faith in Johnson, why not ask around yourself?

              • No, YOU made an unsubstantiated allegation. It’s your job to back it up. Demanding that someone else do their work for them is a timeworn tactic of trolls. Especially trolls with an agenda which, come to think of it, is one trait that all trolls have in common.

  4. Alby says:

    Nancy, your bird-dogging of City and County councils is invaluable, and usually a thankless task, so let me say thanks for doing it.

  5. Stat says:

    Bernie was on JRE yesterday. 1.8M views thus far.