Delaware Liberal

A tidy summary of the bullshit that Republicans will be saying no matter who wins the nomination

As terrible a human being as he is, Dana actually provided us with a service in laying out the Fox News talking points about the eventual Democratic candidate that will face Donald Trump.   I’ve trimmed out his ponderous nonsense and foppery.   

The Democrat running against Trump is “pushing for  reparations for slavery”

The Democrat running against Trump will “create a federal program to aid black, and only black, applicants to buy homes.”

In other words, the government might help the wrong people. This is a real fear that informs many on the right. The idea that an unworthy black person might get some benefit from the government really keeps them up at night.

The Democrat running against Trump will increase “illegal immigration” 

Again. This is the zero-sum game fine-tuned with the racism directed at Latino rather than black Americans. Dana stopped short of articulating all the benefits he worries that illegal immigrants will get, but the list is long. Free college, free health care, outright subsidies, allowing asylum seekers to not be treated as criminals. etc.

The Democrat running against Trump will impose  “a single-payer (health insurance) system.” 

Trump voters like to imagine that the  “the economy” is great and they are benefiting from it.  They clearly aren’t. But they’ve convinced themselves that their economic interests are aligned with millionaires and billionaires, and they will fight like hell to make sure millionaire and billionaires are protected from policies intended to make millionaire and billionaires pay their fair share in taxes.

The Democrat running against Trump will “(nominate judges) who can’t even tell the difference between males and females”

Like all Republicans Dana, is pretty fucked up sex-wise. I’m not sure what specific neurosis is peeking out from under the covers with the “can’t even tell the difference between males and females” comment, but he rightly points to court stacking as the mechanism the GOP is using to lock in their dark, paranoid vision of America.  

Taken together you can see that big-picture project for this election on locking in Minority White Rule.  These are the talking points that Trump will use to try and increase base turnout.  

If a Democratic candidate (Biden for example) tries to find middle ground on these points it will only serve to validate them and depress Democratic turnout.  






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