Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Weds., August 14, 2019

The Links Between Police Departments And White Supremacy. Though not a new article, this demonstrates something that a lot of us have known intuitively. Which also explains why cops don’t lift a fucking finger to ban assault weapons. Which reminds me. This report on systemic racism in police agencies is a must-read. Which also reminds me. This guy had been accepted into a ROTC program in Alabama.

Which also reminds me. See any black officers in this picture from the Cape Gazette?

Local legislators Rep. Pete Schwartzkopf, Sen. Ernie Lopez and Rep. Steve Smyk with police officers and State Auditor Kathy McGuiness.
I think I could craft a mini-series just based on that photo alone. Your ideas welcome.
Ken Cuccinelli: Just Perfect For Persecuting Immigrants.  He says that ‘Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor…” only refers to people coming from Europe.
Biden Tells Latinos To ‘Get In Line’ And That It’s OK For the US To ‘Cherry-Pick’ Immigrants. You could make the argument that he has a campaign death wish.
Could This Be Beto’s Choice For Senate?  She’s demonstrated she can mobilize Latino voters, which will help up and down the ballot in Texas.
What do you want to talk about?
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