Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Sun., Aug. 18, 2019

“Show Up, Listen To Trump, Or Don’t Get Paid”.  Those who didn’t go to Trump’s Pa. speech/photo op lost $700 each. Why? They skipped a so-called ‘training day’. The ‘training’? Quoting King Cheet-o:

“I’m going to speak to some of your union leaders to say, ‘I hope you’re going to support Trump.’ OK?” he said. “And if they don’t, vote them the hell out of office because they’re not doing their job.”

Biden: “There’s An Awful Lot Of Really Good Republicans Out There”.  And, according to Biden, he’s the guy to deal with them. Uh, Joe, how about campaigning for Democrats for a change?

Ghislaine Maxwell’s Exceedingly Strange Family.  Forget a mini-series. This could run forever.

Why Portland?  Among other reasons, you have a police force that sympathizes with the radical right. BTW, only Trump would choose the occasion of a far-right rally to announce that he’s considering naming Antifa a terrorist organization.  Does Antifa even have 50 members?

Why Delaware Lags On Gun Control.  Pretty much everything you already know. Including Carney’s mealy-mouthed explanations as to why he’s not doing a bleeping thing. It’s time to primary and/or defeat people like McBride, Poore, Cloutier (done), and Delcollo. Oh, and Carney.  He’s so pathetic it’s almost inhumane to point out what a pathetic governor he’s been.

What do you want to talk about?

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