DL Open Thread: Sat., Aug. 31, 2019

Filed in Featured by on August 31, 2019

How Tax Break To Help Poor Became Windfall For The Rich. Including, of course, Buccini/Pollin (Thanks, Mayor Mike!) and virtually everybody in Trump’s orbit.

Trump Judge Blocks Timely Release Of Trump Tax Returns To Congress.  Stacking the courts already paying dividends for the Criminal-In-Chief.

‘Red Flag’ Law Stops Would-Be RWNJ.  Deranged vet. Of course, threatening to ‘slaughter Antifa’ apparently is not a crime. Hey, he was only trying to stop the violence.

Well, looks like journalism is taking the weekend off. This is all I’ve got today.

What do you want to talk about?

See you at the Arden Fair!


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  1. Nancy Willing says:

    I just read about the Trump Purzycki BPG tax holiday from D Marque Hall on facebook –

    “We’ve got a mayor in Wilmington benefiting from his position and abusing his office by making all kinds of taxpayer funded real estate deals for his partners in crime BPG. How is this different than Trump’s unethical aggrandizing in office?”

    Hall gave the link to the Wilmington August 29th public comment section where I learned that the August Quarterly was forced to pay for parking to the RDC this year for their Chase Center prayer breakfast last Sunday.


    He posted his full comment too –

    from City Council last night. The mayors office in Wilmington needs to be policed. Mike Purzycki has profited from his elected office, his title and his power as mayor unethically

    not everyone in the city building is walking around with their head up their own behind or his…

    between the dozens upon dozens of ventures that Purzycki , BPG and the Riverfront Development Corporation have acquired how much is he racking in???

    The Millennial Summit was just here at the Chase Center and just this past Sunday August Quarterly Church Service was there and attendees where church goers heading to this 215 year old celebration were charged by the Riverfront Development Corporation for parking… elderly and handicapped people…

    is the Mayor completely Divested from his interests? How is this different from Trump making millions by abusing office in ways like hosting the next G-7 Summit at one of his own Trump properties.

    Purzycki and his partners in crime are and always have been funded by the same powers as 45
    should we care

    do we need a watch dog to safeguard our valuable taxpayer dollars

    yes, we are not millionaires like the mayor

    we can not pay the news reporters to say what we want Jeanne Kuang

    before Bills Meat Market and the YWCA building on King Street were leveled the Delaware Center for Homeless Veterans put their bid in for it but it wasn’t approved for them.

    Buccini Pollin Group got it for $5
    so do we need a watchdog?