Delaware Liberal

Odessa Shooting Triggers NRA Snowflakes

The bodies of the dead in Odessa Texas were not yet cold when NRA radicals took to the Delaware Coalition Against Gun Violence FB to post up some shopworn NRA talking points.

Why offer the same failed prescriptions to address these concerns? Laws are being broken – additional laws only restrict the liberty of the law-abiding.

This is the “nothing works, so let’s not do anything” go to.

They de-funded mental health services years ago, and now we don’t have the tools to identify and treat people who may be a danger.

This ignores the fact that the NRA has recently blocked efforts to keep the mentally unstable from getting guns.

…how long will law abiding gun owners keep voting for these people in Delaware who want to punish us instead of Criminals.

This is the NRA’s “we’re the real victims” line. The commenters doesn’t explain how any law abiding gun owner “punished” by not being allowed to own Browning 50 caliber machine gun? Similarly how is anyone “punished” by not being allowed to own high capacity magazines and other military equipment? How are drivers “punished” by taking a driving test to get a driver’s license?

Common sense gun legislation being proposed in Delaware only “punishes” gun owners intent on killing large numbers of elementary school children, and people attending church services.

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